Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

It was one of those rare occasions when several former New York State Superintendents of Insurance, former top department leaders and “past this” and “past that” were present in the same room. LICONY held its annual reception hosted by Mutual of America on Park Avenue on February 3rd and was joined by former Superintendents Howard MillsEric Dinallo,Jim CorcoranWendy Cooper—she was acting, don’t forget—former First Deputies Peter Molinaro and Kermit Brooks and such stellar past departmental figures as Vince Laurenzano and Scott Harrison. Superintendent Jim Wrynn spoke to the group, as did Senator James Seward, recently returned as head of the Senator Insurance committee. Seward’s remarks were of great interest since he used the occasion to indicate his pleasure at being back at the helm, to catch up with old themes and friendships and to sound a cautionary note on the progress of departmental consolidation. Well received. LICONY’s Board newly elected includes: Chairman, Thomas E. Rattmann, Columbian Mutual Life; Chairman-Elect, Richard S. Driadzio, AXA Equitable; Secretary-Treasurer, Phillip J. Friou, Aflac New York; Past Chairman, Sheila K. Davidson, New York Life; Directors:Donald L. Barnes, Presidential Life; Bridget M. Healy, MG/Relia Star Life; Matthew L. Kurzweil, T.I.A.A.C.R.E.F.; Susan L. Lees, Allstate Life; Patrick A. Mannion, Unity Mutual Life; Thomas J. Moran, Mutual Of America; Deanna M. Mulligan, The Guardian; Raul Rivera, National Benefit Life; David J. Sloan, Genworth Life; David J. Walsh, Amalgamated Life; James D. Wehr, The Phoenix Companies, Inc.; and Michael A. Zarcone, Met Life.

In upcoming issues you will see several new advertisements—one will be of extra-special interest to our readers—it debuts next issue. It is from a P.E.O., professional service organization, and it illustrates what’s happening in the marketplace. P.E.O.’s are getting close to HR people, who in turn are starting to funnel so much through them, including much of their insurance. The linch pin of this ad is to provide a reminder to agents that your clients’ loyalty is not something to fool with, it suggests that you form a relationship with a P.E.O. if you have not done so already—there are many good ones in the field including this advertiser—and endeavor to cement the relationship in every way possible, as the landscape changes in personnel departments across the country…We note with interest that Guy Carpenter has been elected posthumously into the Insurance Hall of Fame. Quite over due, but no less admirable. His story is an inspiration to agents.