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One area in which the Insurance Advocate has been consistent is our attack on insurance fraud and our deep concern over the indifference in some quarters to problems that afflict New Yorkers as a consequence; for example the no-fault system – see our February 7th issue. In this issue we present the Insurance Department’s Property Casualty Fraud Report from 2010, which points up trends and success of the Department. The quantity of fraud in this State is proportionate to other states with major metropolitan areas, but it is on the rise particularly in the no-fault area. We salute the Department’s fraud fighters, particularly as they band together with other agencies in complex fraud cases. Crooks are creative, that’s as old as history. The onus is on the fraud fighters to stay ahead of the criminal curve…In another matter we were pleased to attend the Downstate Council meeting at which the consolidation issue came to the fore. As we go to press the consolidation is not in the Governor’s budget, but that may very well not be the end of it; we will follow this issue carefully over the next several weeks…In this issue we present a Letter to the Editor (see page 3), which, in a way counter balances the highly critical letter that appeared in our last issue – please see it on page 3… Below we print a correction that was caused in part by the speed of automation and by the simple failure to correct a preformatted head. We regret the error and caution all of our readers not to use the Internet too quickly or hastily because such errors can result very easily at the speed of, well, the push of a button…The Insurance Advocate continues to welcome aggressive advertisers who are finding great results from our publication. Call if you would like to advertise or would like to recommend someone to us.