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[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ad the opportunity recently to speak to the partners at Prestige, Inc., one of the largest PEO’s in New York, to learn how they have been gaining adoption among independent insurance agents across the tri-state area. Brian Lehmann, who is the top executive at the company, formerly of Motorola, explains it this way: “More and more agents are seeing their business erode when super-buyers, that is, aggregators, get close to their decision makers. If an agent aligns with a PEO, that is very unlikely to happen since the agent is the entry point for that clients’ insuring and all related personnel functions and duties. It is a very neat package and we are finding ourselves suddenly in great demand.” In looking through the literature of Prestige’s, we came upon one incredible item, that is, a listing of all of the agencies that now oversee some parts of the process of human resources. For your entertainment, we print the entire list and with it suggest that you attempt to name every agency and what they are responsible for. It’s a daunting exercise. It’s about the best argument for deregulation we can think of: