Follow the Fortunes and the Fortunate

In this issue of the Insurance Advocate, you will notice some typical features and one new topic that may spark some interest. First we cover PIANY’s Metro Rep, an event that has grown beautifully over the past several years. PIANY has now three local meetings, large in size, attractive to agents and generally quite accessible, on Long Island, Hudson Valley and in Manhattan. We salute Dave Isenberg, the most deserving Metro Rap honoree. We encourage our readers to follow these events as they are excellent networking opportunities.… Speaking of opportunities and events in New York, our dear friend of long standing Alex Giordano, has just become the President of the Self-Insurance Institute of America, Inc. (SIIA), a substantial national association which has an agenda that is important for self-insureds. Alex is a pro whose acquaintance with us goes back to his days when he was a major force in the building of Standard Security. We hope you enjoy reading the article and join us in wishing him well… Whistleblowing has become a wild card in the corporate world, now that it is being outright encouraged and rewarded as a practice, in many different quarters. We invite you to look at Tom Pliske’s rundown of the developments in this area, as they may windup impacting some of our readers for better or worse…We include an entertaining article by Gene Wollan, which we reproduce from his customary post as editor of the ARIAS•US Quarterly. Gene is a brilliant attorney whose Harvard education cannot help but show through in everything that he does. In this entertaining little article we believe there will be some twists that our readership will enjoy.… Meanwhile, looking ahead, in our next issue we will include an exceptionally bright look at a touchy subject, Executive Life Insurance of New York, now an issue for liquidators and, possibly, for ethicists. We believe that Peter Bickford’s searching article will provide a sober way of looking at the issue at hand. Good reading! [