Stepping Up.

In this issue of the Insurance Advocate we congratulate Michael Loguercio who will lead the PIANY MetroRap Session this year. Mike is a dynamic guy who adds a lot to everything he does, including these pages. We look forward to seeing everyone at the PIANY Rap Session… We have gotten an incredible response to our last issue, that is, to the opinions we carried. We will be organizing and presenting some of these over the next several issues… On another note, we are pleased that the Griffith Insurance Leadership Foundation has added new members to its counsel representing diverse interests including: Darcy Kerr, Vice President of Human Resources, Accident Fund Insurance Company; John Meder, Regional Managing Director, Wells Fargo; and Michael C. Strakhov, CPCU, Vice President, Ohio Branch, CNA Property and Casualty Insurance Group. In addition, the Griffith Foundation’s Leadership Council officers include: Chair-Elect, Janice Abraham, MBA, President and CEO, United Educators Insurance; Secretary, Susan Krieger, CPCU, CLU, ChFC, Vice President of Operations, State Farm Insurance; Treasurer, Dana Rudmose, CPA, Principal, Rudmose & Noller Advisors LLC; and Immediate Past Chairman, Michael Fusselbaugh, CPCU, ARM, ARe, Senior Vice President, Hartford Steam Boiler. The Griffith Foundations’ main focus for 2013 will be to educate the millennial generation about insurance careers and to provide insurance education to public policymakers, they tell us… In addition, we are pleased that the Terrorism Insurance Bill is coming under scrutiny in Washington and the two New York delegation members, Reps. Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) and Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) brought attention on the important issue of terrorism insurance. Charles Symington, Big “I” Senior Vice President of Government Affairs said, “The current TRIA program has worked well to ensure that this essential coverage is available to policyholders throughout the country. Jump starting the debate on the future of the TRIA program now is especially important with its expiration just around the corner at the end of next year.”… Speaking of the Big “I”, the Annual Legislative Conference, taking place from April 17 through the 19th at the Grand Hyatt Washington Hotel in Washington, D.C, will feature some pretty big hitters in Washington including Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) who will be a keynote speaker at the legislative conference breakfast. Hensarling was first elected to the House in 2003 and represents Texas’ 5th Congressional District. Before wielding the gavel of the powerful House Financial Services Committee, Hensarling served in a number of leadership positions in the House, including as Chairman of the House Republican Conference as well as Chairman of the Republican Study Committee. The Big “I” Legislative Conference is the insurance industry’s best-attended, most effective legislative meeting and takes place just prior to the association’s annual Big “I” Day on Capitol Hill…. Enjoy this issue of the Insurance Advocate.