Good Faith in a Handshake

In the last issue of this publication, we ran a story that remembered with affection the late Cummin Clancy. The story was written by Brian and Brendan Clancy and appeared here in an In Memoriam column. Cummin Clancy taught me a lot early on in my career with respect to what it meant to be an independent insurance agent. He epitomized the kind of clear, honest, handshake-is-enough kind of man that has defined the best independent insurance agents as individuals of trust and fidelity. Cummin’s story is a beautiful one, right up to the present day, to his grandchildren and his successors on the insurance stage including his daughter Maura who has led a number of insurance entities, carrying his tradition of service forward. Cummin and Maureen, his wife of 58 years, are precisely the kind of people who give insuring and good faith a good name. I will miss his warm and hearty friendship, his quick and easy way with Irish poetry and his warm and open manner. He was surely a fine gentleman and positively a great example for independent insurance agents in all that he did. R.I.P…In our most recent issue of the Insurance Advocate we focused on business issues of concern in a broad sense to the clients of agents and brokers. We will continue that focus in coming issues as we did receive good response to the column. Speaking of good response, a recent cover-story regarding the liquidation of the Liquidation Bureau, i.e. its desirability in the view of some, drew high praise from readers, many of whom see limited government as a benefit per se, but some of whom agree that the structure, not the people there, is faulty…In this issue we highlight a story about Physicians’ Reciprocal Insurance Company (PRI) and its work with local hospitals to enhance risk management programs and, thereby, mid-wiving excellent results for claims. We are delighted that PRI has taken this aggressive approach across the state among the many hospitals and other healthcare institutions it insures…We take a moment to wish all of our readers a blessed Easter and Passover.