Reinsurance Association of America Elects 2013-2014 Officers

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Tad Walker, President and Chief Executive Officer, PartnerRe North America, was elected chair of the Board of Directors of the Reinsurance Association of America (RAA) at the 45th Annual Meeting of Members on April 26, 2013 in Sea Island, Georgia.

Elected to serve with Mr. Walker are vice chair Tad Montross, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, General Re Corporation, and Pina Albo, President, Reinsurance Division, Munich Reinsurance America, who will serve as secretary-treasurer.

Mr. Walker is also chair of the Council of Reinsurers and Brokers, and Robert Hatcher, Executive Vice President and National Managing Director, U.S. Branch Network, Willis Re, was elected co-chair of the Council of Reinsurers and Brokers.

Tad Walker is President and Chief Executive Officer of PartnerRe North America. Mr. Walker has been with PartnerRe since 2002. Prior to his appointment to President and CEO of PartnerRe North America, he held the position of Executive Vice President and Chief Underwriting Officer of PartnerRe U.S., with overall management responsibility for all underwriting activities in the U.S. business units.

Before joining PartnerRe, Mr. Walker was Senior Vice President at American Re, responsible for the company’s Latin American operations and international financial products. He worked for Bacardi International for ten years, first as Risk Manager for the Company and then managing insurance investments. He earned a B.S. from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.

Tad Montross is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of General Re Corporation. Prior to assuming that role in April 2008, he was President and Chief Underwriting Officer of General Re since 2001. Tad joined General Re in 1978 as a Casualty Facultative Underwriter. He was promoted to Senior Vice President in 1992. Tad is a graduate of Harvard College. He currently serves on the Executive Committee of theBoard of St. John’s University’s School of Risk Management and the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the American Institute for CPCU. He has served on the Board of Directors of the National Disaster Coalition and the Insurance Information Institute, and on the Advisory Committee of the Chicago Board of Trade.

Pina Albo is President of the Reinsurance Division, Munich Reinsurance America, overseeing the Company’s reinsurance operations, and is responsible for developing and achieving the strategic and business plans of the Division and enhancing Munich Re’s relationships and presence in the market. Prior to joining Munich Re’s U.S. operations in January 2008, Pina held various positions with the Munich Re Group for over 15 years.

Ms. Albo earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Winnipeg, a Bachelor of Law from Osgoode Hall Law School of York University in Toronto, and a Masters of Law from L’Université d’Aix- Marseille III in Provence, France. Ms. Ablo was named Insurance Woman of the Year by the Association of Professional Insurance Women (APIW) in 2011.

Robert (Trey) Hatcher is Executive Vice President and National Managing Director, U.S. Branch Network, Willis Re, responsible for Willis Re’s 13 branch offices in the United States. He was appointed to that position in 2007. Trey is also Senior Account Executive responsible for the production of new business and account management. He is based in Philadelphia. Before joining Willis in 1994, he was Vice President and Principal with Towers Perrin. Trey began his career with Chubb & Son. Trey is a graduate of Hampden-Sydney College.

The Reinsurance Association of America is the leading trade association of property and casualty reinsurers doing business in the United States. RAA membership is diverse, including reinsurance underwriters and intermediaries licensed in the U.S. and those that conduct business on a cross-border basis. The RAA represents its members before state, federal and international bodies.