

  Thanks to so many readers who expressed their heartfelt sympathy on the passing of Manny Levy, long time editor of this publication. We feature one letter below from Stewart Fries, a longtime friend of this publication and a close associate of Manny’s, particularly in this publication’s advocacy for the straightening out of the NYAIP. Manny’s sons are planning an event in New York before long as a memorial service. We will post a notice here… This was the hurricane season that wasn’t. How delightful that so little damage was caused thus far by Mother Nature. It’s not over yet and neither is the winter, but thus far with the exception of some tornado touchdowns in New Jersey and some occasional flooding, we have been happily spared. These results augur good news for the reinsurance business and for primary carriers in Florida and elsewhere… Anthony Bonomo was honored recently by the Futures in Education Foundation. He was honored together with legendary New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly – the best candidate for Mayor available! Anthony’s brother, Carl, presented a most earnest tribute to the honoree and, in a modest way, underlined this corporate leader’s achievements as a man and as a champion in business and life. We were pleased to be present and to greet so many leaders of the New York community… Speaking of being present, we look forward to the many dignitaries who are coming to New York for the Insurance Federation’s Annual Free Enterprise luncheon, during which Evan Greenberg will receive the Free Enterprise Award from his father Maurice Greenberg who received it many years ago from IFNY. It is the IFNY’s 100th Anniversary year, its 99th annual luncheon, and will prove to be a major event for the industry in New York. It’s on November 15th at Cipriani, Wall Street New York. [IA]