One Secret of Real Success

One Secret of Real Success

Tis the season for taking a long view of our work and our goals. Lancer’s Dave Delaney offered a nice approach to his and his Company’s success: “We are now approaching thirty years since we bound our first policy. To survive on the underwriting side of this business, you have to be very disciplined…and focus every day on getting very good at something. For us, that “something” has been small commercial auto and package business. Our financial results have been gratifying, but for me, the journey has always been more about building a reputation everyone at Lancer can be proud of. Making money just wouldn’t mean much to me if we made that money without acting responsibly and honorably.” Beautiful sentiment in a beautiful season. Thanks, Dave……. Kevin Ryan writes kindly: “Thanks so much for the kind note and recent copy of the Advocate. I appreciate the recognition by my peers and I’m am very humbled. Kevin”…. Blockbuster Federation Luncheon with Greenberg father and son on stage for the son’s receipt of the IFNY 2014 Free Enterprise Award – the senior Greenberg received it in the early 80’s. We’ll have the whole story and some great photos in our next issue, as well as some really well focused remarks.