Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Some 30 years ago when I was starting my new career as an independent agent I learned a concept at the time that I thought was just a gimmick to get people to buy the coverage they needed. During my training at the Aetna’s PRIME school they stressed we weren’t selling Insurance we were actually selling “peace of mind”.

Like I said at the time it sounded kind of foolish and designed to engage consumers with an easily understood concept. Now when I look back I see the real value of providing consumers with “peace of mind” and if used properly it can be an awesome sales tool.

One of the biggest issues in today’s fast paced world is the stress associated with getting everything you need done taken care of quickly and easily. As a society we look for fast and easy ways to do everything. Our houses are filled with time saving gadgets. We are inundated with “magic” pills that will help us sleep, help us to lose weight, help us to be less anxious and on and on.

With so many people searching for that “magic” pill the concept that working with an independent agent or broker can give you “peace of mind” sounds like a real deal. When you think about it that’s really what we do.

If a consumer properly protects their home, car, family and business by working with an independent agent or broker it removes an enormous amount of responsibility and stress from their lives. They can go about their business knowing that if something happens in any of those areas they needn’t worry because they have protection that will make them whole again. If that isn’t “peace of mind” then I don’t know what is.

If they have a car accident they know their car will be either repaired or replaced and that they will be compensated for injuries to themselves and their passengers. They know any injuries or damage they are responsible for to others will be handled. That also includes being provided legal counsel to fight on their behalf in addition to ultimately paying a claim.

If their house is damaged or destroyed they know they will have the money to repair or replace it putting them back where they were before the incident occurred. They also know they are protected if they injure someone or damage their property and are required to pay.

If they purchase life and disability coverage for themselves and their family they know that an untimely death or disability will not seriously impact them financially and they will be able to continue the lifestyle they previously had.

Their business insurance will protect all that they have built over the years as well as protecting them from lawsuits and other unexpected business liabilities.

I’d say that’s quite a lot of “peace of mind” especially when you look at the cost of the protection in relationship to what is being covered.

It’s also important to buy your “peace of mind” from an independent agent or broker. They have the knowledge to assist consumers in buying the proper protection to meet their needs at a competitive price with the insurance company that best suits the consumer’s needs. The agent or broker’s thorough assessment of each consumer‘ s risk and their recommendations for protection provide the real “peace of mind” that consumers want. If that’s not enough they also carry Errors & Omissions coverage that protect their clients should they make an error or fail to provide coverage as requested.

Consumers who buy coverage online put themselves at a disadvantage as they don’t receive the professional and knowledgeable risk assessment and coverage recommendations provided by an independent agent or broker. Many consumers choose inadequate protection because they don’t understand their risk potential or how coverage works. Others are provided recommendations for coverage that won’t properly protect them. This actually puts them at a risk of having an uncovered loss which certainly won’t give them “peace of mind”.

It’s strange but here I am 30 years after being taught to write insurance protection by presenting it as “peace of mind” coverage and I just now get it. After reading this I hope you might now appreciate using the idea of “peace of mind” coverage to get your clients and prospects to do business with you.