Management System Envy…is Bigger Really Better?

So when shopping for an agency management system, what exactly are you looking for and what, precisely, are you trying to accomplish? Bigger…better…than what?

As you are well aware, there are many extenuating factors that may (and most likely will) contribute to the ever changing landscape of the independent agency, which in turn will affect the process and timeline of when and how your organization may shop for an agency management system.

Most of the agency principals that I speak with around the country (location does not have any bearing on the issues) typically portray the same tales of woe with respect to their technology desires: they feel that their system is a legacy program that needs a facelift (and by that I mean more than a regular regiment of Botox applications, yet much more than applying lipstick to a pig), they are not so willing to part with what they believe will be an overly stuffed bag of cash equal to a high level executive’s salary, do not want to allocate the time and resources necessary to re-train their entire staff on a new system, certainly do not want to run the risk of losing years’ worth of integral and sensitive data, and last (but by far not at all the least): they do not want to walk into their agency back office and say, “Ok, everyone step away from your computers, as this is a raid! We are taking out your old management system and replacing it with a brand new one!”

Why don’t they want to kick down their back office door and declare this to those for whom they sign their weekly paychecks? Because they know that if they do, they will most likely be met with excessive gunfire in a fight when all they brought was a knife…and a very old and dull one at that!

What happens when I am speaking with agency owners is that they tell me they know perfectly well that they are “the boss” and that they can of course direct their staff however they feel appropriate with respect to their business, however they do not want to upset their folks and business, and in their minds rightly so, by introducing a new system that may cause anxiety, lost production, lost sales, lost revenue, lost data, and very possibly loss of employees.

My response is always the same: although I certainly hear you loud and clear and completely understand your concerns, Mr. Owner, when the appropriate system is selected for your business’s specific needs, these fears and subsequent objections are typically mitigated and over- come. One way that I recommend (and have seen this method successfully implemented within many agencies) is to do this by completely involving your staff in the buying process…right from the beginning. Although you as the agency owner will always reserve the right to make the final decision, by involving your staff you have their buy-in from the onset. This way, when you gently declare that moving to a new system is a mandate that will be systemic within your organization, they will be the first on board to accept it.

Another fear that is not accurate is the notion that your agency needs to manage two agency management systems together for months until you are able to phase the legacy program out and fully implement the new program. This is simply not the case when the proper system is selected. Sure, you may want to do this for a few weeks as you review the converted material, however months-on-end is not necessary or recommended.

Additionally, many agents fear that their present agency management system will hold their data hostage, and that they will not be able to easily obtain it for the conversion to the new program. Please keep in mind that this is YOUR data, YOUR information, and that your current vendor should make this readily available to you…and not charge you an exorbitant amount of money in fees in order to release it to you. Your management system is a tool that when correctly utilized, does just that: it “manages” your business information…it is NOT your business information. Years ago, switching from one system to another was not that easily accomplished and was a very arduous task indeed. However now, with many systems, this bearish process has become quite rudimentary.

What is important to realize is that changing agency management systems should not be difficult, should not cause data loss, lost sales, lost revenue, and certainly not a loss of staff (because of their inability to accept change of technology within the organization). It should be a rather simple process that allows you, the independent agent, to continue your nor- mal course of business and maintain the same level of doing what you do best: selling insurance.

When shopping for an agency management system, in addition to the usual needs and requirements that every agency typically has, there are other areas (besides the obvious) that I suggest. For instance, I always recommend that you search for a system that will easily and seamlessly integrate with and work well together with your real time comparative rating pro- gram. In addition, please keep in mind that if your business includes a real time quoting module that is accessed by the consumer via your agency website or Facebook fan page, you want a management system that will allow for the automatic movement of the quote and risk information from the consumer entry portal, to the real time comparative rater, and directly into your agency management sys- tem…all without any manual data input from your agency staff: this is not only a complete waste of valuable resources, but may also cause a huge errors and omissions exposure concern due to the fact that you can easily transpose, or completely eliminate, important risk information.

In addition, you should also be cognizant of some other features that are now available, such as the ability for seamless integration with an e-signature module that automatically allows for ACORD form applications that were automatically completed via the comparative rating system and domiciled within the client file of the management system, to be electronically forwarded to the prospect for an electronic signature, and with the click of a button be instantly returned back to the agency management system, whereby the agency may then email it directly to the underwriter.

Other notable features that you probably want to consider are text messaging with non-editable, fully documented bi-texting communication; “drag and drop” technology for the electronic storage of documents, policies, and other risk pertinent information; daily downloads of not only coverage and risk info but also commission and potential claim information; Microsoft Outlook integration; mobile access portability; interface with your accounting soft- ware such as QuickBooks; full reporting capability; and most importantly so that you provide your staff with the support that they deserve, easily accessible training and customer service support.

Of course, here in this piece I have pro- vided you with a very high level, “30,000 foot view” version (I say 30k’ level because I’m writing this article while on an airplane at 32,000’ traveling to our Dallas office for a national sales meeting to review new enhancements to our EZLynx agency management system) of what to consider when searching for a new agency management system. If you are considering pursuing a new agency management system and would like to maybe just chat about what options are available out there, please feel free to give me a call as it would be my pleasure to discuss this with you and your staff.

So the past few weeks have been very exciting and extremely busy on the convention scene in this thing of ours, as I have attended conferences such as the CT IIAA, featuring Governor Dan Malloy as its keynote speaker; Syracuse I Day with Sugar Ray Leonard; and IIAA NY I Day with Boomer Esiason; and MAIA Big Event with Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. It was a pleasure to speak with so many of you, and thank you for the very kind words that you had about this column, and for the EZLynx programs that you are enjoying the use of in your agency.

Well, until next time when we will be chatting about turkey dinner and large balloons floating down Broadway, from my family to yours, I wish you a very happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving and Holiday Season! Ciao for now!