Holiday Wishes

It’s the time for holiday greetings. I received a holiday email from PIA this week featuring the staff at Glenmont headquarters, and it gave me the idea for this article.

I was president of PIANY and I am a director on the board of PIA Management Services, which manages the PIA state affiliates of Conn., N.H., N.J., and N.Y. While I have worked with this organization for decades and I understand their staff strength in the abstract, I’ve never seen the entire PIA team together at one time. So, it was striking to see the size of the staff employed at PIA. I, as well as every member of the board of directors, are proud of what our association accomplishes day to day and how hard they work for the membership.

I’ve been told I bleed PIA red. Indeed, I do. A major reason for this is the PIA staff. These people are an extension of every member agency’s office and they work hard for individual agents as well as for the entire industry.

So I’d like to dedicate this article to the PIA staff, pictured in that greeting card. On behalf of all professional, independent agents and their employees, I’d like to say, thank you for a job well done. To the Industry Resource Center, which answers thousands of member questions a year; to the attorneys and technical experts whom we reach through them: Thank you for your help! To the graphics and Creative Services department, which develops newsletters and consumer content for marketing; to the editors, writers and designers who work on PIAs magazine, Reporters, and informative emails: Thank you for keeping us informed.

To the education department, I LOVE those webinars! (I need a single life CE cred- it before February—thanks for finding it for me!) Young Insurance Professionals: You represent our hope. What better time of year to thank you for that?

To the membership department, for identifying and administering new benefits and for reminding us of our benefits and for keeping our ranks strong: Thank you. To the E&O group: Thank you for shopping our policies and making sure that we, as agents, have options and proper coverage. To the numerous unsung heroes in accounting and IT: Thanks for guarding our fiscal strength and helping to keep us modern and secure. I can’t forget the printing and facilities staff. Maintaining a building the size of PIA’s in Glenmont is no small job, but your work goes beyond that, with printing machinery and fulfillment responsibilities that accommodate every member.

Of course, anyone who calls PIA is greeted by that friendly voice on the phone: We all love the PIA receptionist, but that tone is carried throughout the building. There’s a spirit in the PIA offices—it’s the most upbeat staff I’ve ever seen. I under- stand why PIA has been named by the two local papers as a “best place to work” in the Capital Region. The entire work atmosphere there would not be possible if not for the leadership of its executives; CEO Mark LaLonde, COO Kathy McNessor and Executive Director Kelly Norris set the tone. They are responsible for a culture and atmosphere that fosters unrivaled support of its members. But importantly, staff is happy. According to a Time magazine article, the top reason people stay in their jobs is that they “enjoy the work they do.” That out- ranked pay, benefits and even the lack of other available positions.

We agents are often recipients of awards, greetings and recognition from our associations. But, this is my opportunity to recognize the staff that makes my association great. As an agency owner, the PIA staff was an extension of my agency staff, and I used PIA to the fullest extent I could—I’ve always gotten more than my dues worth. So, I share with you, dear readers: If you aren’t taking advantage of all you have with your PIA membership, you are missing a big benefit.

If you are a PIA member who has never been to your PIA headquarters—I invite you to stop in and see the facility. It’s hard to miss. It’s a landmark on the New York State Thruway, the first major building you see as you head north into the Capital Region, just before exit 23. For nonmembers, stop in and see all PIA can do for you as well as for our entire industry. I know you’ll be impressed. PIA is not just a name, it’s an organization of people. And, after all, we’re in a people business.

A few last thoughts as closing notes for 2014: I’d also like to thank the many readers for the kind input I’ve received about my articles this past year. It makes my articles easier to write.

Finally, as I write this, I have one final wish just a few weeks from the New Year: PIA, along with other associations, worked hard with the legislature to get the certificates bill passed—it now once again awaits the governor’s signature. History shows bills at the end of the year have a diminishing chance of being passed. I know many agents have written letters to the governor asking him to sign the bill. Please, Governor Cuomo, sign this bill into law. I don’t want to report in a future column that an accident occurred and the injured were left without recompense because someone misrepresented coverage for a job in a certificate of insurance. The countdown is ticking.