Eric Kobrick and Elizabeth Mullins Chosen as ARIAS•U.S. Chairman and President for 2015

Eric S. Kobrick, Vice President, Deputy General Counsel & General Counsel, Claims, Reinsurance, Operations and Technology at American International Group, Inc. (AIG), was elected Chairman of ARIAS•U.S. at its 2014 Fall Conference in New York City. He succeeds Jeffrey M. Rubin, Senior Vice President, Director Global Claims at Odyssey Reinsurance Company, who has retired from the Board. Elizabeth A. Mullins, Managing Director and head of Global Dispute Resolution & Litigation at Swiss Re America Holding Corporation (Swiss Re), was elected President succeeding Mr. Kobrick.

Also at the conference, James I. Rubin, head of the reinsurance litigation and arbitration practice at Butler Rubin Saltarelli & Boyd LLP, and Ann L. Field, Vice President in Zurich Insurance Group’s Reinsurance Department, were elected Vice Presidents.

In addition, at its Annual Meeting held during the conference, ARIAS•U.S. members re-elected three Board members and elected one new member. Ms. Field, Ms. Mullins, and John Nonna of Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP were elected to second, three-year terms. Brian Snover, Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Berkshire Hathaway’s Reinsurance Division, was elected to a first term, succeeding Mr. Rubin as a reinsurance representative.

At AIG, in addition to a wide variety of other responsibilities, Mr. Kobrick over- sees reinsurance dispute resolution (litigation, arbitration and insolvency proceedings), as well as reinsurance contract wording, regulatory, and transactional issues. He is an ARIAS•U.S. Certified Arbitrator, served on the ARIAS•U.S. Long Range Planning Committee, and was Chairman of the ARIAS•U.S. Ethics Discussion Committee. He also serves on the Finance and Executive Committees.

Mr. Kobrick received a B.A. in Government from Cornell University and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. Priorto joining AIG, he clerked for Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and he was an associate at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP in New York City.

At Swiss Re, Ms. Mullins leads a team of lawyers with global responsibility for advising on and managing a wide range of disputed matters and investigations, including certain insurance and reinsurance disputes. She is Chairman of the ARIAS•U.S. Certification Committee, Co- Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, and serves on the Finance and Executive Committees.

Ms. Mullins received both her B.A. and J.D. degrees from New York University and is a member of the Bar of the State of New York. Prior to joining Swiss Re, she was a litigation partner with Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP in New York City.