Fast at Work …

Over the holidays and into the New Year we at?the Insurance Advocate® have been preparing?to mark our 125th year of service to the New York, New Jersey and Connecticut insurance community with a special touch.

The Insurance Advocate®, the oldest and largest regional in an industry that is – thankfully – state regulated, is publishing a commemorative book that will reach back into our archives that extend to 1889 to find articles and exhibits of lasting interest. The Insurance Advocate® alone possesses the images and stories of the business from the late 19th century to the present. The publication’s reach is hard to capture, since the thousands of agents and brokers, of company leaders, regulators and suppliers to the industry participate in one of the world’s largest, most vital markets with trillions in in-force policy value and billions in premiums and commissions. Our readers play a significant role in the overall economy and in their local communities. Readers range from storefront brokers and local agents – who may well control 75% plus of a local market – to major wholesalers and top world brokers who secure insurance for the best known brands in the world. Our readers include top c-suite insurance executives, leading general counsel, middle level managers in claims, underwriting and marketing and a host of insurance attorneys in the highest ranking insurance law firms. Insurance Advocate® identifies trends, presents views, introduces the players and their plays in an upbeat, easy to follow format – print and web – with the circumspect, experienced, and respectful approach to our readers’ time and interest. Our featured writers include “top guns” in the business, not simply journalists on the sidelines. We have Journalists, but feature protagonists in the first person, very often former regulators, attorneys, and association opinion leaders. The Insurance Advocate® will continue to present everyone’s favorite columnists, articles, and updates through the multiple media channels and plans to enable readers to search its unique historic archives on New York and New Jersey insurance history as we digitalize nearly 125 years of published news that has existed only in a printed format to date. From small agencies to giant companies, from ads and pictures of leaders, buildings that were monuments and no longer stand to historic “firsts” we will have so much to offer you. We are currently setting this in motion as a foundation styled project to deliver a searchable database of content never before avail- able, without a “schlep” to our offices in Yonkers.

Looking over what our predecessors accomplished is humbling. For the magazine, it has been an incredible journey led by such insurance legends as E. Weston Roberts, Charles Rosenzweig and the great Emmanuel (Manny) Levy, editor from 1947 to 2004.

As publishers of the Insurance Advocate® since 1986, we have often felt like curators, challenged by a service standard that Manny and others before him realized with each issue.

Keeping the Insurance Advocate® vital and useful in their steps is our commitment. Watch for news of the 125th Year edition.