Top CEOs to Address Big “I”

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA or the Big “I”) has announced that the participants for a top insurance carrier CEO panel discussion on Friday, April 24, during its annual Legislative Conference will include: David H. Long, Liberty Mutual Insurance chairman, president & CEO, Christopher J. Swift, The Hartford chair- man & CEO; Thomas F. Motamed, CNA chairman & CEO; and David L. Kaufman, The Motorists Mutual Insurance Group president & CEO.

“The Big ‘I’ CEO panel is a unique opportunity for some of the top insurance carrier CEOs to interact with our agents and brokers,” says Robert A. Rusbuldt, Big “I” president & CEO. “We look forward to hearing the perspectives from some of the top experts in the insurance industry on a myriad of issues that directly impact the independent agency system, Main Street America businesses and insurance consumers.”

The insurance carrier CEO panel, which will take place during Friday’s general session breakfast, will give independent agents a chance to participate in a discussion covering some of the most important issues pressing independent insurance agents and the industry, including: perpetuation, talent recruitment and retention, technology, competition from new sources such as Google, how to increase personal lines market share, the P/C market, new trends in commercial lines, M&A activity for agencies and companies, digital marketing, emerging consumer trends in insurance, company plans for the future, insurance regulation, health care reform, licensing reform, and other challenges.

The session will also include a state of the association address by Big “I” chairman David Walker.

The Big “I” Legislative Conference is the insurance industry’s best-attended, most effective legislative meeting. This year’s event will take place April 22-24 at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Other highlights of the Big “I” Legislative Conference include in- depth issues briefing sessions; appearances by numerous high-profile speakers dis- cussing important insurance and national issues confronting lawmakers as well as agents and brokers; and hundreds of meetings on Capitol Hill between Big “I” agents and brokers and their elected representatives in Congress.