McFadden is PIANY’s MetroRAP Industry Professional of the Year

GLENMONT, N.Y.—The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State (PIANY) will present Renee McFadden of Distinguished Programs with its Industry Professional of the Year award at the annual Metropolitan Regional Awareness Program. The event is being held at a new location—The Roosevelt Hotel on Thursday, Jan. 28.

This award recognizes an individual from an insurance company, general agency, managing general agency or other
insurance industry profession, who has demonstrated qualities that foster a strong working relationship with agents and brokers, and who has exemplified a commitment to professionalism and service, according to PIANY.

“Throughout her career, McFadden has demonstrated a respect for her colleagues and customers in the insurance industry,” said Gene Sandy, CIC, PIANY president. “This award reflects her dedication to the insurance industry where she has built a reputation for professionalism.”

McFadden, a graduate of St. John’s University & mother of three, is a licensed property/casualty broker in the states of New York, Connecticut & Massachusetts. Active in PIANY, she serves as vice-chair of the association’s MetroRAP Committee. She also is a member of PIANY’s Advisory Council and the Young Insurance Professionals organization. As an active member of the industry, she sits on the board of the Insurance Brokers’ Association of the State of New York, she chairs their awards committee which serves to recognize our industry’s emerging leaders. McFadden also is active with the Council of Insurance Brokers of Greater New York. She currently holds the Certified Insurance Counselor designation as well as Target Markets’ Certified Programs Leader designation.

MetroRAP is PIANY’s first Regional Awareness Program scheduled for the year—two more are scheduled for 2016; on Long Island in May and the Hudson Valley in the fall.