Insurance Agency Websites Done Right

This should be a well-known fact by now, but your insurance agency’s website is in place for one key purpose: to successfully market your agency in the digital world. Your website shouldn’t just be a templated presence or simple landing page, but instead should be a marketing powerhouse that leverages your brand, highlights your insurance agency’s services, and helps build your audience or digital following.

Let’s talk about elements you should build into your insurance agency’s website to turn it into a marketing powerhouse.

1. Contact Information

This should be a simple fundamental feature of any website, but you need to make sure that your contact information is easy to find. We make sure this is true by including our phone number in the top right corner of our website, so it appears on every page. This makes it easy for people to contact us, whether they’re looking for a new quote or they’re simply looking for assistance with a problem.

2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

I speak about the importance of SEO all the time, because in today’s digitally advanced world, shoppers look online first when they need a new product or service. And that includes insurance. Your website should be optimized for search engine discovery so that potential leads won’t have a hard time finding you online.

This applies to all aspects of your website, including your product and service descriptions, your company outline, and even your blog posts. For everything we post online, we have a professional SEO expert proofread and then give our posts a touch of optimization. We suggest you hire an SEO professional as well. If you need help finding one, I can suggest a few experts I know. Just reach out to me.

3. Visual Appeal

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: when it comes to marketing online, visuals get 94% more engagement than content that consists of text only. It’s important to include visuals–videos, graphics, photos or other forms of visual content–in all aspects of your insurance agency website. Plus, your website needs to be easy to navigate; that makes for a better user experience, which will help your metrics overall.

Try not to over complicate things. Visuals give you an opportunity to leverage your brand. If you don’t have branding guidelines in place, speak to a professional branding expert. Again, I can offer suggestions on where to start looking if you need a graphic design/branding professional.

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4. Mobile Access

As of late 2014, the number of mobile users accessing the web every day has passed the amount of desktop users. In fact, as this Comscore chart shows, mobile user count is increasing at a drastic rate.

It’s important that your website is not only compatible with mobile use, but designed for it. When accessing your website from a mobile device, the user experience should be both welcoming and easy. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile yet, talk with your website management team or professional editors about optimizing for mobile. That’s the future of online shopping. Pro tip: You should also have a mobile app in place for you and your insurance agency; if you don’t, talk to the guys at to get started.

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5. Social Media Buttons

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram…you name it, you should be there. Your agency should use a variety of social media platforms and your website should feature the social media networks where you have a presence, so visitors have an easy time connecting with you.

Social media is designed to create a personalized experience for customers online, allow you to increase your following, and help with your SEO efforts. As you can see, we also include our mobile app in our connection buttons, because the more users we get on our app, the less work our agents have to keep up with.

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6. Call to Action

So you’ve done an excellent job revamping your website and getting potential prospects to visit your agency online. That’s great! Now, let’s flip them into leads. By having a call to action button, a.k.a. your “fill out a quote” button, you’ll be able to show prospects you mean business and that you want theirs.

This is where it all comes together. Get the visibility and then earn new business. This is digital marketing at its finest, through a well-crafted, well thought-out, and successful insurance agency website.

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