Summer Agency Marketing Strategies

The slow, lazy days of summer are a great time to revisit your marketing strategy for your company. Over the wintertime, you have been going along doing the necessary things but you aren’t sure if it’s really working. These quieter days provide the best opportunity to revisit and start tracking what really matters. There are several ways to go about this but we believe strongly in obtaining a baseline metric and then measuring it every quarter. Here are some items to start tracking:

  • Website Visitors-Google Analytics
  • Website Unique Visitors-Google Analytics
  • Email Open Rates
  • Facebook Fans
  • Facebook Post Reach
  • LinkedIn Connections
  • YouTube Video Views
  • Retention
  • Sources of New Business

If you start now, by the end of summer you will see the fruits of your labor!

Now that you have your tracking all set, you need to coordinate your marketing plan. Summer is a great time to get local and have some fun doing it. The best agencies aren’t talking about insurance during the summer, they are using the time to show their brand. Social media is an opportunity to 1–show your more fun side and 2–talk about the things people love that you insure.

Here are a few recommendations on how you can show your fun side on social media. Write blogs on:

  • Favorite iced coffee flavors
  • Favorite ice cream flavors
  • Cookout favorites
  • Local events
  • Best places to see fireworks
  • Weekend trips
  • Workout tips
  • Gardening strategies
  • Ways to keep cool
  • Back-to-School tips

In addition, we have a list of some ways to show your insurance side, too:

  • Classic car insurance
  • Motorcycle insurance
  • RV insurance
  • Protecting your new college kid’s dorm room assets
  • Insuring landscapers
  • EPLI insurance for seasonal businesses
  • Any other seasonal businesses you can think of

Your goal is to track and have fun this summer! Make sure your social media posts have images in them. You can use free and easy tools like to help you! Once you start posting, see what is engaging your audience. In marketing it’s completely okay to test and refine. You will learn more by reviewing the metrics than you think.