Over Half of Agents Have Never Had Sales Training
Yes, you are hearing it straight from us—52% of insurance agents have never had any sales training. So if part of becoming an agent is the ability to sell insurance, where did we go wrong? Sales is an art form. There are people naturally born to be salespeople, but the rest of us have to work at it and to continue to sharpen our skills.
Now, it could be because insurance sales is easier than most types of sales. Yes, you are also hearing this from me. Everyone has to buy it and there is a deadline. Most sales start by convincing someone to make a purchase. Not insurance sales—if someone wants to have a home, vehicle or business, they know they are also going to be buying insurance. This is also what makes insurance sales different. Everyone has to have it and the competition is high.
So in the changing insurance world where many agencies are not growing, how can we infuse a sales culture into agencies? You can always start with training. Now, be warned: everyone will leave inspired, grateful and ready to go. For the next two weeks you may even see a rise in sales. But then, just like everything in life, it will come to an end. We lose the magic of what we created and go back into old habits. Instead, we suggest creating a new culture which we are outlining below.
Coaching Salespeople
Sometimes the biggest sales job producers do is to sell their manager on what they are doing every day. Preaching to a salesperson will not work. You need to coach them. Coaching people makes them feel vulnerable, helps them explore their preconceived notion and addresses the items holding them back. In our new APPX Sales Program, we plan biweekly team coaching calls with a workbook and clear strategy.
If you have a salesperson who keeps telling you how busy they are, it’s time to pump the brakes. Busy doing what? If it’s not selling insurance what is it? You have to be able to track the following for each producer:
- Prospects Added
- Quotes Completed
- Closing Ratio
- New Business
When you look at math versus feelings, the conversation changes. There are no attacks, just good old, plain and simple, black and white numbers. Most producers hate to face their numbers. When they do, and they swallow their pride, they can then get to a place of honesty in addressing the numbers that they desire to change deep inside.
Once you get your license, you still need tools to be excellent. These tools can be scripts, role playing, worksheets. Your license alone doesn’t help you sell insurance. Reading and studying your tools will. Now don’t be a typical producer who tries to break what is already working so they can put their stamp of approval on it. Instead, follow what thought-leaders teach and get outside of your comfort zone.
Training works when you have coaching, tools and tracking. Training enhances everything when there is a set foundation. Training alone without the other items will only give you temporary fleeting results. Instead, make the commitment to convert into a sales organization by doing some uncomfortable things.
Converting into a sales organization will take a lot of hard work, discomfort and vulnerability. Just like addressing an area of your business or personal life you’d like to change, in order to develop it you must experience these things when going through the challenges. Make sure your agency has a solid insurance training strategy. If you want to see real results, it’s what you continuously commit to. You can’t do this stuff temporarily or when you aren’t busy. You will always be too busy, you will never want to role play. Instead, to be great plan to do the stuff you don’t like!