Hello…I Must Be Going

So Aetna is NOT moving to New York after all. Wonder why. Couldn’t be taxes, unusual level of regulation, city’s grinding gridlock grids of congestion, the new degree of filth in the streets, homeless getting aggressive, taxes, high costs of doing business, over the top regulation, and did I mention taxes? No, they are staying put, it appears, at least for now and the State has pulled its $24MM offer of aid plus another $9MM off the table.… ShelterPoint Life deserves the credit we reported last issue. Great people, not afraid to take action when the market demands it.… And speaking of stepping up, Elizabeth Heck, president and chief executive officer of Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company (GNY), is now chair of the New York Insurance Association (NYIA). Liz is a dynamic person whose pedigree in the business is unmistakable given her dad Warren’s success at the helm of GNY and her long experience there since 2001 – first as controller, then serving as chief financial officer and subsequently president and chief operating officer. Liz has stepped up to advocate for the industry’s betterment as a trustee of AMCOMP, the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board and the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies. Her philanthropic activities include board membership on the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. Congratulations Liz and thanks for serving the industry.… Nice story from Tinton Falls, NJ, about a small business that did some good and is getting kudos never expected for it. A.J. Perri, a New Jersey-based provider of air conditioning, heating and plumbing services, has been giving back to military families in need by donating and installing HVAC and hot water systems free of charge. The donated products and services have totaled in over $52,000. In addition to giving away HVAC and water heater equipment and installations, A.J. Perri employees engage in volunteer and civic opportunities geared towards veterans’ services. If any of our readers needs HVAC, here is a resource with soul and heart. Thank you, folks.… Long time top consultant, Andy Barile, has advised us that Tim Derham, President of Inter Insurance Agency, Ltd., Paula Frendel, Executive Director and Fred Donnelly, President of the New York Independent Automobile Dealers Association, have formed Universal Casualty Risk Retention Group, the first captive association doing business as a risk retention group to be licensed in the state of Oklahoma. The new entity, with a principal address in Jericho, New York, will provide loss control services and write garage keepers liability, general liability, auto liability and mechanics errors and omissions insurance for franchised and non-franchised auto dealers and all businesses engaged in the automotive services industry in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. To receive the benefits of the association, an eligible business must become a member or associate member of the NYIADA. Universal Casualty has both experienced insurance underwriters and auto dealers serving on its Board of Directors and managing the association. Barile is the captive association manager. Inter Insurance will be the managing general agent of the association. The New York Independent Automobile Dealers Association represents over 6000 independent dealers in NY State. Call Joe Chvasta, Director of Risk Management, Universal Casualty Risk Retention Group at 516-352-7500. SA