LICONY Celebrates 50 Years

The Life Insurance Council of New York (LICONY) celebrated the Association’s 50th anniversary with a dinner at Mutual of America’s headquarters in Manhattan. LICONY members were joined at the event by Department of Financial Services (DFS) Superintendent Maria T. Vullo, Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Morelle, Chair of the Senate Insurance Committee James Seward, Chair of the Assembly Insurance Committee Kevin Cahill, along with key members of the DFS staff and members of the State Assembly.

LICONY President and CEO Mary A. Griffin said, “We are extremely honored to have been joined by so many regulators, lawmakers and leaders in the insurance industry at our 50th anniversary celebration. It speaks to the fact that LICONY is one of the most respected trade organizations in the state. Our industry is facing a number of important issues this year and our members are informed, passionate, respectful advocates. It was enjoyable to celebrate LICONY’s anniversary with so many people who are dedicated to working together to move the life industry forward.”

At the event, attendees heard from speakers, including Superintendent Vullo, who addressed many of LICONY’s priorities, including her perspective on the proposed Best Interest Standard for life insurers. The Superintendent also addressed the status of Principle-Based Reserving (PBR)
in New York.

Also attending the anniversary celebration were past LICONY staff members, including former President and CEO Thomas Workman, who is now a nominee to the Fiscal Stability Oversight Committee. The anniversary celebration capped a full day of LICONY events that included a meeting of the LICONY Board of Directors, a LICONY/NYS DFS Leadership Dialogue where members got to interact with Superintendent Vullo, and a meeting of the LICONY Legislative and Regulatory Committee.

LICONY is the trade association representing the life insurance industry doing business in New York State. Its member companies provide the vast majority of life, disability income, long-term care insurance and annuity benefits for New Yorkers.