Zebra Sets Marks DDA Month with Data Release

This Distracted Driving Awareness Month (April), insurtech company The Zebra launched comprehensive research about the insurance consequence to distracted driving.

The findings reveal that distracted driving penalties are up nearly 8,000% since 2011, among other surprising stats, especially as how these penalties compare to DUI penalties.

In 2011, a ticket for texting or using your cell phone while driving would only raise your car insurance rates by 0.2% ($2.51). But now, the penalty is 16% ($226.36) – a penalty increase of 7,944% since 2011.

It’s worthy to note that penalties are inconsistent and vary greatly based on location – a distracted driving violation could cost as little as $2.50 in certain cities (New York), and as high as nearly $2,000 per year in others (Detroit).

Lastly, comparing penalties for drunk driving vs. distracted driving show a long way to go. The penalty for a DUI is 383% higher than the penalty for distracted driving, even though the behaviors are often considered equally as dangerous and deadly.

The Zebra conducted analysis of more than 53 million data points and has car insurance premiums down to the ZIP code, and how a violation affects each rate.

States with Highest Rate Increases (percent) for Distracted Driving Violation:

Vermont – 41% ($425)

Connecticut – 34% ($520)

Oregon – 31% ($432)

Mississippi – 31% ($559)

Tennessee – 29% ($379)

Arizona – 28% ($344)

Michigan – 26% ($681)

Maine – 25% ($236)

Ohio – 25% ($263)

New Jersey – 24% ($407)

Cities with Highest Rate Increases (percent) for Distracted Driving Violation:

Burlington, VT – 40% ($398)

New Haven, CT – 36% ($741)

Hartford, CT – 35% ($682)

Portland, OR – 32% ($507)

Jackson, MS – 31% ($570)

Knoxville, TN – 30% ($388)

Nashville, TN – 29% ($373)

Chattanooga, TN – 29% ($367)

Memphis, TN – 29% ($451)

Phoenix, AZ – 28% ($432)[IA]