Hello, but I Must Be Going.

IFNY wound up hosting a beautiful breakfast meeting with Scott Fisher (pictured) which turned out to be his very last appearance as Executive Deputy Superintendent of the NYDFS. Scott resigned a few days prior. Not saying yet where he will be going, but he is a bright man who did nicely at the DFS in our view and will surely land on his feet. We hope so.… Speaking of IFNY, one of its directors, Huhnsik Chung, has left Baker & McKenzie LLP for the downtown pastures of Stroock—long a home of legendary insurance mayvens like Marty Minkowitz, Bill Latza, Vince Laurenzano and Don Gabay, who has slipped away to Florida, but makes it back to the real world very frequently. We wish Huhnsik well; he’s a top gun and shoots straight.… OK, there’s more: IFNY President, Nick Pearson, reminds the world that the Federation’s big event, the IFNY Annual Award Luncheon is set for November 9th at the Union League Club. Not to be missed!… Speaking of mayvens, Martin Koles, who applies his engineering background each day to the orderly and strategic delivery of service and product to his growing clientele – including some major NY brand names these days, took the time to call our attention to the latest creation of Stu Fries­—a long time advocate of the Advocate and a friend to every agent and broker in New York. Martin sent the following missive sent by Stu to his office:

“I have some very exciting news for many licensed insurance brokers in New York State. As you know, current legislation under consideration respects the various licenses for entities in New York State, that currently have different expiration dates for Brokers, Agents, and Life Licenses. Now there is a change being considered to have the SAME expiration license dates so that entities have each of their different types of licenses, with a common expiration date.

New and Renewal BROKERS’ Licenses, issued starting sometime in May, 2018, NOW have the following language printed on the License:

An insurance broker with the property/casualty lines is authorized to act as such with  respect to any and every line of authority except life insurance and variable life and variable annuity insurance.     

This language follows the Law in New York State, and, therefore, ALL licensed brokers are now shown to be eligible to provide ACCIDENT & HEALTH insurance and receive commissions, without the necessity of a current LIFE insurance license. (Those agents that received a Life Insurance license many years ago, were NOT qualified to sell Accident & Health insurance.  Today, those persons obtaining the LIFE license DO qualify to sell Accident & Health insurance.)”  – Stuart Fries 

The saga of Stu’s wide awake work for agents and brokers continues. More on this as it develops.… NYSPFD has been well covered in these pages, largely through the transmission of the award winning communications undertaken by Richard White and the professionals at ShelterPoint. Now the state is presenting some updates worth knowing by health care providers and others. A new series of Paid Family Leave webinars for health care providers, detailing what they need to know – and do – to help employees use the state’s landmark Paid Family Leave benefit will review the health care provider’s role in medical certification (including who can certify leave and which conditions qualify), and address top questions from providers. “It’s vital that health care providers fully understand our strongest-in-the-nation Paid Family Leave policy so they can support patients and their families,” Workers’ Compensation Board Chair Clarissa Rodriguez noted. “These sessions will equip providers with the information and tools they need to certify conditions under Paid Family Leave, making the benefit accessible to working families in New York.”

The sessions are free and open to health care providers. Early registration is encouraged as space is limited.

• Tuesday, July 31, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Register here

• Tuesday, August 7, 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Register here

Additional sessions will be scheduled as needed.

Help is also available via a toll-free Paid Family Leave Helpline at 844-337-6303.

 Have a great 4th and  do remind everyone what it stands for. SA