When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.  – Ben Franklin

There’s an abundance of quotes about the inevitability of change; against resisting change; and most appropriately about the value of change. The place I’ve heard most of them are at PIA. The organization is always at the forefront of our industry, and the visionaries who have led the organization call repeatedly for agents to be prepared.

Such was the case in Glenmont for the September meetings of the PIA of New York and PIA Management Services boards. (For those unfamiliar with the structure of PIA Glenmont, Management Services is the umbrella corporation that manages the Glenmont, N.Y.-based Professional Insurance Agents state affiliate associations of New York State; New Jersey; Connecticut; New Hampshire; and Vermont. PIANY, PIANJ and PIACT comprise the PIA Management Services partnership, which they formed in 1965.) I have had the honor of serving as president of PIANY and on the board of PIA Management Services for several years.

Mark LaLonde, CIC, CPIA, is CEO of Management Services. Because of my participation on the board, I know how we searched for the right leader of this organization when we hired Mark in 2011. We are fortunate he stepped up to the plate. When Mark became Management Services president and then CEO, we got one of us: A successful independent agent, who understands PIA members. He knows the challenges independent agents deal with every day. When he was named Agent of the Year about a decade ago, he demonstrated that understanding with an example: During a round of golf, one of his foursome taunted him about the pressure of trying to sink a putt. “This isn’t pressure,” Mark recounted. “Pressure is sitting at the kitchen table on Thursday night, trying to figure out how you are going to make payroll for you staff on Friday.” (FYI, he made the putt and covered payroll.)

Since Mark took over PIA Glenmont we have seen significant change in the industry and at the association level. Yet, employee morale at PIA is high. It’s a fun place to work and staff loyalty is strong. PIA-member agents have responded to every call Mark has made to them. His knowledge of our industry is immense; and he knows how to call the shots. He has led the team during complicated times: I’ve watched him navigate a challenging economy and tough negotiations, always with the interest of the professional, independent agents at the top of his mind.

This week, the PIA Management Services Board announced Mark would pass the baton to Jeffrey Parmenter, CPCU, ARM, who has taken over as president. Jeff, too, is a PIA insider, with decades as a member and service on the PIA of Connecticut Board of Directors. He’s a smart guy. He, like Mark, stepped up from the position of Chairman of the PIA Management Services Board and he comes from a similar background and personality as Mark, so I am confident we have continuation in this administration. Plus, Mark will stay on as CEO for an appropriate transition period. PIA of New Jersey past President John D’Agostino, CIC, CPIA, CRM, will lead the PIA Management Services Board. It’s nice to see the PIA state affiliates New York, New Jersey and Connecticut coalition working as one big family. While it is a structure that is more than half a century old, it is an effective and rare partnership that has (and will continue to) benefit members.

In addition to PIA Management Services leadership changes, PIA of New York also announced a changing of the guard this week. Jamie Ferris, CIC, AAI, CPIA, principal of P.W. Wood & Son Inc., of Ithaca is stepping in as President for the 2018-19 term. He follows the big footsteps of immediate past President Fred Holender, CLU, CPCU, CHfC, MSFS. Jamie has a big, happy personality, to which people warm naturally—people line up to follow him. And he has a fantastic group of officers, including President-elect John R. Tomassi, CPCU; First Vice President Anthony Kammas; Vice President Tim Dean, CIC, CRM; Vice President David L. Sidle, CIC, CPIA; Treasurer Michael Loguercio; and Secretary Gino Orrino, CPIA. This is a group of quality personalities, including first-generation agents; second-generation PIA members and some of finest insurance men I’ve known in a long time. They are from all over New York State and I know our PIANY members are well represented.

Richard Savino, CIC, CPIA, a past President of PIANY, will continue as the state association’s National Director, and Rich’s brother, Keith, who was president of PIA of New Jersey at the same time Rich was president of PIA of New York, will become PIA National president. The Savino brothers, know leaders and forerunners in industry technology, are a force that benefits all of our members.

And so, I am optimistic. These leaders respect PIA’s traditions and long, successful history, but we all have an eye to the future. While we can be sure they won’t be “business as usual,” our meetings in Glenmont will be spirited and as enjoyable as always. There’s a lot to be learned in Glenmont. PIA Glenmont is a family, with a common goal for agents. My years of loyalty reflects this, and I know it’s the same for the great leaders I’ve noted.