NAIC Names 2019 Consumer Liaison Representatives

WASHINGTON—NAIC recently named 34 consumer liaison representatives for 2019. The 20 funded and 14 unfunded consumer representatives began their terms Jan. 1. Seventeen of the funded consumer representatives participated in the program in 2018.

Established in 1992, the Consumer Liaison Program promotes consumer interaction with the NAIC’s members, the insurance industry and interested parties through the individuals’ dedication and commitment to serving the public interest.

The 2019 Funded Consumer Liaison Representatives

New funded representatives are noted with an asterisk.

Luc Athayde-Rizzaro: Policy Counsel, National Center for Transgender Equality*

Amy Bach: Executive Director, United Policyholders

Birny Birnbaum: Executive Director, Center for Economic Justice

Brendan M. Bridgeland: Director, Center for Insurance Research

Bonnie Burns: Training and Policy Specialist, California Health Advocates

Thomas M. Callahan: Executive Director, Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance

Laura Colbert: Executive Director, Georgians for a
Healthy Future

Brenda J. Cude: Professor, Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics, University of Georgia

Erica Eversman: President, Automotive Education
& Policy Institute*

Justin Giovannelli: Associate Research Professor, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reform*

Debra K. Judy: Policy Director, Colorado Consumer Health Initiative

Katherine (Katie) Keith: Consultant Advisor and Steering Committee Member, Out2Enroll

Karrol Kitt: Emeritis Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin School of Human Ecology Department of Human Development & Family Sciences

Peter R. Kochenburger: Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Executive Director, Insurance Law Center, University of Connecticut School of Law

Michelle Lilienfeld: Senior Attorney, National Health
Law Program

Sarah Lueck: Senior Policy Analyst, Center on Budget
and Policy Priorities

Claire McAndrew: Director of Campaign Strategy,
Families USA

Brendan Riley: Health Policy Analyst, North Carolina Justice Center

Jackson Williams: Director of Government Affairs, Dialysis Patient Citizens

Silvia Yee: Senior Staff Attorney and Analyst, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund

The 2019 Unfunded Consumer Representatives

New representatives noted with an asterisk.

Ashley Blackburn: Senior Policy Analyst, Community Catalyst

Benjamin Chandhok: Senior Director of State Legislative Affairs, Arthritis Foundation*

Lucy Culp: State and Community Advocacy Advisor, American Heart Association

Deborah Darcy: Director of Government Relations, American Kidney Fund

Eric Ellsworth: Director, Health Data Strategy, Consumers Checkbook/Center for the Study of Services

Marguerite Herman: Lobbyist, Wyoming High School Mock Trial/Healthy Wyoming

Anna Howard: Principal, Policy Development, Access to and Quality of Care, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

Amy Killelea: Director, Health Systems Integration, National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors

Ken Klein: Professor of Law, California Western
School of Law*

Carl Schmid: Deputy Executive Director, The AIDS Institute

Matthew Smith: Director of Government Affairs, Coalition Against Insurance Fraud

Andrew Sperling: Director of Legislative Advocacy, National Alliance on Mental Illness

Harold M. Ting: Consumer Advocate Volunteer, Chester County Department of Aging Services Apprise Program*

Lorri Shealy Unumb: Vice President, State Government Affairs, Autism Speaks