S & P P/C Least Impacted

S&P Global Market Intelligence found that property and casualty insurance is the least impacted from the COVID-19 health situation, based on market signals.

S&P Global Market Intelligence conducted this analysis for the month of March generating industry medians from its Credit Analytics Probability of Default (PD) Market Signal model which uses stock price and assets volatility as inputs to calculate a 1 year probability of default.

The top 5 industries that have experienced the most impacted, based on market signals are:


Casinos & Gaming

Leisure Facilities

Auto Parts and Equipment

Oil & Gas Drilling

The industries we saw that have been the least impacted from a PD perspective include Insurance (Property & Casualty, Multi-Line, Life & Health) and REITs (Health Care, Industrial), yet still showed rising PDs.

Property and Casualty Insurance

Healthcare REITs

Multi-line Insurance

Life & Health Insurance

Industrial REITs

Industries Most Impacted by COVID-19


Industries Least Impacted by COVID-19