Thoughts For Leaders


“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort.  It is the price which we must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” –Vince Lombardi

In crisis, leadership is far more important than management.

 People follow leaders.  People work for managers completing plans and tasks against budgets.

 To be successful in crisis times, are you a leader?

 During this crisis, as many are working from home, are you inspiring employees?

 Are you communicating with staff, investors, customers, regulators, media and other important constituents…? Are you calling and checking-in on your staff to see how they are doing?

 In larger organizations, have you scheduled times for video conference calls based on geography or discipline?

 For employees that don’t typically work from home, have you provided guidance on best practices to stay engaged with colleagues, clients and their work deliverables?

 Have you ensured that employees are active and busy and do not have time for depression?

 Today media is creating unnecessary hype and speculation causing confusion. Encourage employees stay in touch with real facts:

Are you sharing and reinforcing government and public health guidelines including a link to the new guidelines just published by The White House, by the States, by local Governments, by tejh CDC?

 Urge employees to monitor websites that have correct information and facts.

 Lastly, leaders must take time for self-care and reflection.

 Have you called family and friends to see how they are coping?

Have you identified a book you always wanted to read… or a movie you’ve wanted to see?

Have you had a good laugh today?