Maryland’s Angela Ripley Elected to Big ‘I’ Executive Committee

The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (the Big “I”) has announced that Maryland’s Angela Ripley has been elected as the new at-large Executive Committee member at the recent Big “I” Board of Directors meeting in Alexandria, Virginia.

 Ripley has held numerous positions at the national level for the Big “I,” including Big “I” Government Affairs Committee chair and Board of Directors member. Bringing more than 25 years of experience as an independent insurance agent, she is president of VW Brown Insurance Service in Columbia, Maryland and has been Maryland state InsurPac chair since 2011. Ripley currently serves on the Federal Reserve Board’s Insurance Policy Advisory Committee (IPAC), the 21-member committee to provide information, advice and recommendations to the Federal Reserve Board on domestic and international insurance issues.

 “Angela is a proven leader who has represented the voice of independent agents with excellence in the federal government, within the Big ‘I’ and in her community,” says Bob Rusbuldt, Big “I” president & CEO. “The Executive Committee is grateful to have Angela join as its newest member, bringing her insights, experience and dedication to the leadership as we all work to serve our Big ‘I’ members.”

As Ripley begins her term as the at-large Executive Committee member, she emphasizes the challenges and opportunities of the current state of the independent agency system. “The coronavirus pandemic has greatly impacted many Big ‘I’ members and small businesses across the country,” she says. “But despite all the changes, one thing is clearer than ever before: Independent agents and brokers are essential to protecting families, homes and businesses during catastrophes like this. As our members provide outstanding service to their communities, I look forward continuing to strengthen and serve them in my new role in Big ‘I’ leadership.”

The rest of the Executive Committee members’ terms have been extended by one year, a move directed by the Board due to the coronavirus pandemic. Jon Jensen, Correll Insurance Group, Spartanburg, South Carolina, will continue his leadership as chairman. Bob Fee, Fee Insurance Group, Hutchinson, Kansas, will remain as Big “I” chairman-elect and John Costello, USI Insurance Services, Rochester, New York, will serve a second term as vice chair. In addition, Mike McBride, Mason-McBride, Inc., Troy, Michigan; Todd Jackson, McGowan Insurance Group, Indianapolis, Indiana; and Lou Moran, Inter-Agency Insurance Service, Knoxville, Tennessee, will continue their service on the Committee as well.

Massachusetts’ Joe Leahy has rolled off the Committee as immediate past chair, and that position will remain vacant for fiscal year 2020-2021.