Worn Out Words

Worn out words..and the people who use them!

Have you taken stock recently?

How is your English?

Will language ever recover from COVID Era usage and cliches

The Zoom Age has given us an overwhelming vocabulary of useless, vapid verbiage that has created put-you–to– sleep-white -noise that rivals Sominex …and radio preachers.

You have probably never heard any of these expressions, or used them, but if you have, please find fresh synonyms or even old ones that actually communicate.

Close the loop.

Thread the loop.

Get in the loop.

Control the optics.

Think in a silo.

Take a deep dive.

Touch base.

Huddle with the team.

My team.

Your team.


Pain points.

Robust growth.

Value added.

Pivot to profit.

Buy in to a win-win.

Circle back.


Cause a disruption.

Jump on to a quick call.

Jump off a call.

Move the needle.

Lean in to profitability.

Lean in to increased bandwidth.

And last…take a holistic approach.

So that is business speak 2021.

In 1995 it was:

MBO – managemwnt by objectives.

Double down.

Drum up business;

Go high tech.

And so on.

May I respectfully suggest that we go back to plain expressive English.  SA