NY-YIP installs 2022-23 officers and elects directors

The New York Young Insurance Professionals elected officers during its annual business meeting on Oct. 20, 2022. The NY-YIP officers installed were:

Scott Richards, of Hilltop Strategies in New York, N.Y., will serve as president;

• Ian Sterling, CPCU, of Bolton Street Programs in Woodbury, N.Y., will serve as first vice president;

• Audrey Carlson of Merchants Insurance Group in Buffalo, N.Y., will serve as second vice president;

• Tyler Molina of Lawley Service Inc. in Buffalo, N.Y., will serve as treasurer;

• Chris Schmitz of Jencap Group in Buffalo, N.Y., will serve as secretary; and

• Ed Chadwick of Jencap Group in Buffalo, N.Y., will serve as immediate past president.

The following individuals will serve as directors with terms expiring in 2023:

• Michael Ascher, WCP, of Hippo Insurance headquartered in Palo Alto, C.A.;

• Jason Bartow, AAI, CPIA, of Eugene A. Bartow Insurance Agency in Deer Park, N.Y.;

• Dina Bruno, CPIA, of Franklin Mutual Insurance in Syracuse, N.Y.;

• Audrey Carlson of Merchants Insurance Group in Buffalo, N.Y.;

• Ed Chadwick of Jencap Group in Buffalo, N.Y.; and

• Ian Sterling, CPCU, of Bolton Street Programs in Woodbury, N.Y.

The following individuals will serve as directors with terms expiring in 2024:

• Matthew Davoult of BankDirect Capital Finance in Melville, N.Y.;

• Marshall Glass of Iroquois Group in Astoria, N.Y.;

• Tyler Molina of Lawley Service Inc. in Buffalo, N.Y.;

• Scott Richards of Hilltop Strategies in New York, N.Y.; and

• Chris Schmitz of Jencap Group in Buffalo, N.Y.