“Thank Goodness for Insurance” (TGFI) Launches Business Insurance Section

υOwning a business comes with unique challenges but protecting your business, employees and customers should not be one of them. That is where insurance comes in, a resource that provides peace of mind and security during unforeseen times. Thank Goodness for Insurance or TGFI, a campaign that aims to educate consumers about insurance, is an initiative powered by the New York Insurance Association. TGFI looks to be a resource for insurance customers, encouraging them to consider the role insurance plays in their life and help them make more informed decisions.The TGFI website was designed to act as an educational tool for our customers, providing answers to common insurance questions. The business section on the website features safety procedures to help keep employees out of harms way, an infographic that provides a break-down of the variety of coverage options a business owners policy could include, helpful cybersecurity best practices to keep businesses and customers safe and a video that demonstrates the value that business insurance policies provide.TGFI is multifaceted and will continue to be rolled out in sections. TGFI has previously unveiled a section devoted to auto insurance, a section depicting the role insurance plays in communities and a section focused on homeowners insurance section. TGFI will also be releasing a section on renters’ insurance in addition to a trending topics section which will rotate with helpful insights on timely content such as cyber security and ride sharing.To further dive in to TGFI, visit www.thankgoodnessforinsurance.org or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.The New York Insurance Association, Inc. (NYIA®) is a state trade association that has represented the property and casualty insurance industry for more than 140 years.[IA]