IMUA Announces Updated Guide To State Rate, Rule & Forms Filing

New York, NY, March 21, 2023 – The Inland Marine Underwriters Association announced its Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Committee had updated its paper on the IMUA guide to state rate, rule, and forms filing. The updated version provides a digest of the  rate, rule, and forms filing requirements for inland marine insurance in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.

The table of contents is now indexed to allow a user to click on a state of choice and go to it without having to scroll through the whole document to find a specific section.

According to IMUA Vice President & Secretary,  Lillian Colson, “Thanks to the efforts of our Legislative & Regulatory Affairs Committee, members can now easily access updated information on filing requirements for rates, rules, and forms. This Committee and others continue to assist IMUA in providing comprehensive professional development programs through papers, webinars, and classes.”

IMUA members can download the updated paper through the IMUA website. For information on the IMUA’s report and papers or its All-Access Education program, contact Lillian Colson at