NAILBA, a Finseca Community, Announces New Underwriting Certification

NAILBA, a Finseca community, and the leading insurance industry organization that advocates for consumer choice in the insurance and financial services marketplace through independent brokerage distribution, has released a new professional certification for underwriting.

 Two years ago, Finseca successfully launched NAILBA Case Manager Certification, a program that yielded increased placement, innovation, and efficiency, and was the catalyst to expand the certification offering. This new training program is the latest in that certification series and is designed to train and develop individuals in the underwriting process of life insurance sales.

 Comprised of 19 modules, each featuring a training video and quiz, it offers an extensive exploration of the various intricacies of underwriting. Key topics covered include types of underwriting, risk factors, mortality versus morbidity, reinsurance, digital underwriting, and considerations for foreign nationals.

 Dan LaBert, the President of Independent Distribution at Finseca, said, “NAILBA takes pride in addressing the ongoing need for consistent training and continuing education within the brokerage community, a vital component of the financial services profession. Our distinctive position allows us to aggregate insights from carriers, agencies, and regulatory bodies, enabling us to provide unparalleled best practices, technological expertise, and exclusive resources to our stakeholders.”