LICONY Celebrates 51st Anniversary

On February 7, the Life Insurance Council of New York (LICONY) staff and member companies came together at MetLife for a full day of activities and to celebrate LICONY’s 51st Anniversary.

The day included a full briefing to the membership on LICONY’s Legislative program and Regulatory agenda for 2019. Assembly Insurance Committee chair Kevin A. Cahill spoke to membership about the new climate in the Legislature. LICONY president and CEO Mary Griffin also moderated a Regulatory conversation with Department of Financial Services staff members Laura Evangelista, Executive Deputy Superintendent, and James Regalbuto, Deputy Superintendent for Life.

The evening culminated in a reception in the historic MetLife board room. New Acting DFS Superintendent Linda Lacewell was in attendance as well as Assembly Insurance Committee ranker, Andrew R. Garbarino and member, Kevin Byrne. LICONY past president, Thomas E. Workman also joined in the celebration. Tom now serves as an Independent Member of the Financial Stability Oversight Council.

MetLife Executive VP of Corporate Affairs and Chief of Staff, Michael Zarcone introduced Senate Deputy Majority Leader, Michael Gianaris. Senator Gianaris spoke to those gathered about the flurry of legislative activity and took questions from the audience.

Mary Griffin (LICONY President & CEO), Linda Lacewell (DFS interim Superintendent), Senator Michael Gianaris

See the online edition of the magazine for complete photo spread.