Prechtl Elected Chair of New York Insurance Association

The Insurance Brokers’ Association of the State of New York (IBANY) honored Rubin Alspector of Marsh and McLennan Agency, LLC as its Insurance Person of the Year at its annual Holiday Breakfast on Thursday, December 12 at the Down Town Association in New York City. Alspector was recognized for level of engagement within the industry, positive contributions to advancement, encouragement and fostering of young professionals entering the industry, and his participation in charitable organizations.

With a career that spans over 30 years, Alspector provided impeccable service to national and regional insurance brokerage firms. Alspector is a regional senior vice president for Marsh and McLennan Agency, LLC, serving as a senior client advisor, using his extensive experience providing insurance placement and risk management services to clients in the not-for-profit, real estate, construction, and financial services sectors. Alspector sits on the IBANY Board of Directors, which he has done for over a decade, serving as IBANY President from April 2015 to April 2019. Under his leadership, IBANY refocused its member proposition to strongly address the development of programs to encourage young professionals and college students to look on the insurance industry as a “career of choice.” During his tenure, IBANY launched its prestigious Emerging Leader Program, developed its Education Awards, and began to formulate plans for the creation of the IBANY Education Foundation to promote and support these programs.

IBANY president, Justin Foa said, “Alspector has been a mentor and advocate of young professionals in the insurance industry, as well as a supporter and leader for IBANY. The association is thrilled to honor him as the 2019 Insurance Person of the Year.”