A wave of sentiment…

A wave of sentiment…

As we go to press, a wave of sentiment is washing up in Washington to advocate the extension of TRIA and the results, so far, seem to be favorable for the insurance community which, not ordinarily in favor of Government intervention the business, sees this particular backstop as an important one for the entire industry. Speaking with Tal Piccione, President of U.S. RE, who was called to Washington for his advice and counsel, we gained the impression that the industry view point was being received with some sympathy but that, as refinements in the entire program are being studied, that the industry input is being solicited and is valued by regulators and those covering the issue… In this issue we have an article prepared by our Albany staff discussing Workers’ Compensation increases and their net effect on the State. While the market is a pretty sound and sane one in our view, this pricing will have many implications. Read the article and be the judge…On our Associations pages we notice the results of the Big I’s latest study on Best Practices affecting agents and brokers. It is absolutely essential for agents and brokers to write to the Big I or to go online and dig up this entire report which we summarize in the Association section. Speaking of Associations, PIA has now signed up a deal with a flood insurance enterprise to facilitate agents writing of this business. Again, see our “In the Associations” section for information…Earlier in the month of November—a balmy month—we had the privilege of seeing our friend Gary Ropiecki, CFO of Torus Insurance who reports that that company’s recent consolidation has gone well to date.