MetroRAP Rings in the New Year

MetroRAP Rings in the New Year

On Thursday, Jan. 23, PIANY held its first RAP of the year: MetroRAP, a landmark event for the New York City Metro insurance community, has become the first event professionals mark on their calendar. Despite record cold outside, insurance agents and those seeking to interact with them met each other warmly. “MetroRAP is where old friends come to see each other, make new business connections, and fuel the relationships that keep our industry running,” said PIANY President Alan Plafker, CPIA.

Hundreds of agents rubbed elbows at trade show, making contacts to help their agencies and benefited from the camaraderie New York’s unique agent community enjoys.

“You are part of some major milestones today,” MetroRAP Chair, Michael Demetriou told an audience of hundreds during the lavish lunch reception. “You probably know that MetroRAP is PIA’s first Regional Awareness Program of the year, but we also have the honor of announcing that PIA of New York, in coordination with PIA of New Jersey, is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year.” The announcement was met with applause as Demetriou shared that the Joint Annual Conference in Atlantic City will feature a black-tie gala affair to commemorate the diamond anniversary.

The awards luncheon provided the opportunity for the MetroRAP committee to thank the generous sponsors and announce the Bernard I. Kozel & Arthur I. Moll Memorial Scholarship winners. PIANY presents two scholarships in memory of Arthur I. Moll, past president of both PIANY and PIA National, and Bernard I. Kozel, father of PIANY past President Shelly Kozel, respectively, to PIANY members with less than five years of experience in the insurance industry.

Demetriou announced that Melvin Rivera, owner of Peconic Insurance in Peconic, N.Y., was the winner of the Arthur Moll Scholarship and Allison Mancuso of Windermere Agency in Greenwood Lake, N.Y., won the Kozel Scholarship. Each received full tuition to two courses conducted by PIANY toward the Certified Insurance Service Representative designation.

The highlight of the lunch banquet was the award presentation. “Each year, MetroRAP recognizes extraordinary industry professionals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to professional, independent agents and brokers and who exemplify the best our industry has to offer,” Demetriou said.

Demetriou first announced Terry M. Gras, CPCU, as MetroRAP Executive of the Year. Accepting the award, Gras thanked several colleagues at Otsego Mutual Fire Insurance Co., as well as PIA.

Presenting David Bergeron, senior client manager for the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., with the Industry Professional of the Year award Demetrio noted Bergeron’s 25 years of experience, and his reputation as an active company representative who supports his producer clients.

Demetrio presented the Distinguished Service Award to Frank Carrigan, manager of the New York Automobile Insurance Plan, noting the Plan has become a model for other states, and has transition to the digital age under Carrigan’s leadership. Carrigan thanked PIA, and cited the work of AIP staff, producers and carriers and specifically thanked the many PIA members as critical to the Plan’s success.

In addition to awards and networking, professionals could earn up to 15 credits at MetroRAP, beginning with a self-study course and monitored exam, Advertising, Rebating & Referrals: Staying Compliant when Designing Your Market Plans. The course, which provided the opportunity to learn ahead of time and simply complete the exam at the show, is approved for 12 continuing credits, and is offered on an ongoing basis. For those who wanted a high-end classroom experience, two courses were offered:

Data Compromise and Insurance, instructed by Bethann Savage, of Hartford Steam Boiler in the morning and E&O Hotspots—2014 and Beyond, with Curt Pearsall, CPCU, CPIA, AU, ARM, AIAF. Completion of the later class provided E&O credits, as well as continuing education.

If you missed MetroRAP, you can see photos on the PIANY website at, under “Events.” Make sure you don’t miss out on PIA’s upcoming shows, including Long Island RAP on May 1 and the PIANJ/PIANY Joint Annual Conference in Atlantic City, June 8-10. Information and registration for both are available online.