IMUAElects Officers & Board

The Inland Marine Underwriters Association (IMUA) elected a new slate of officers: Michelle Hoehn, The Travelers Group, was inaugurated as IMUA’s new Chairperson replacing Peter Opinante, Swiss Re America, who has served as the Association’s Chairperson for the past four years. Also elected were Deputy Chairperson William Rosa, XL Reinsurance, and L. Pat Stoik, Chubb Group as Vice Chairperson.

In her acceptance remarks Ms. Hoehn praised the work of the IMUA and direction the association has taken over the past few years. She said, “I am extremely honored to serve as the Chairperson of such a prestigious organization as the IMUA. But more importantly, I am proud to be a part of this group and thank you, the membership, for this unique opportunity. Over the past four years I have personally witnessed the progress the association has made, serving as your Deputy Chairperson, especially in the area of professional development. As part of my agenda, I not only intend to stay the course, but build upon our successes and create an even stronger entity. We will pursue all avenues as they relate to professional development of those of you who serve this industry and add programs where they make sense an drop those that don’t. Together we can build and even stronger IMUA.”

Ms. Hoehn then recognized the “incredible job” Peter Opinante has done to elevate the stature of the association during some tough times. “His dedication to the principles of the IMUA never faltered. He set a course for growth and stuck to it. We thank you for that.” Mr. Opinante served as IMUA’s Chairperson from 2012 to 2014. She then turned to the IMUA staff and recognized their dedication by noting that the past two Annual Meetings had the largest attendance ever. This year’s meeting hosted over 275 registered attendees.

Also elected during the IMUA Business Meeting was the Board of the Class of 2014 includes:

Tom Brochett – Munich Re America

Donald Keahon – Aspen Specialty

Michael Miller – Markel Corp.

David Higley – The Hartford

The Class of 2015 includes:

• Sheila O’Keeffe – Gen Re

• Rich Pye — Zurich

• Joseph Rich — Liberty Mutual

• Bruce S Jervis – ACE North America Property

The Class of 2016 includes:

• Diane Shelton – Catlin U.S.

• James Cordrey – Hanover Insurance Group

• Grace Thomas – Great American

• Peter Opinante – Swiss Re America


Kevin O’Brien and Lillian Colson – the

Association’s President and CEO and Vice President and Secretary, respectively, were also unanimously re-elected at the 84th Annual Meeting. IMUA is the national association for the commercial inland marine insurance industryIMUA serves as the voice of its member companies representing over 90 percent of all commercial inland marine insurers. The association provides its members with comprehensive training and educational programs, including research papers and bulletins, industry analysis and seminars. IMUA was founded in 1930.