
FOREWORD Steve Acunto



Single- Handedly



Every New York taxpayer should thank DFS leader Ben Lawsky for the spate of fines – and their size – that seem big enough to balance the State’s budget. Looks like he’s bolstering the bottom lines single-handedly. Ben is an ambitious man, hardly a fault, but his recent, aggressive, high profile approach to bigger and bigger fines for bigger and bigger companies has fanned speculation about his next step. The TIMES has done a lot of cheerleading for him and his reputation is rather spotless, albeit a little harsh on financial sector “sinners”. The buzz on Ben has included the FIO, a run for a Washington post, and candidacy for one of the major national regulatory bodies in banking. Regardless, he has stepped up to the Goliaths and used his slingshot carefully…. and profitably for the State…… Our prayers go out to Bob Benmosche as he fights 10 rounds with cancer. Bob reset AIG on a path that seemed improbable to many and now deserves a win in his battle. Peter Hancock has taken the helm with an ambitious agenda for AIG that will look to technology’s role in its growth of the Companies……There are parts of upstate New York that rival any American state in the variety of natural beauty. The Adirondacks and places like Thousand Islands, Saratoga, and Tupper Lake deserve a visit from down-staters who consider the Bronx Zoo the beginning of the upstate wilderness. Each year, the northernmost insurance social event draws agents and company reps to South of the Border in Tupper Lake, a combined golf and networking event. The border refers to Canada not Westchester County. It is, I am told, a pilgrimage of Thruway and secondary road driving, but worth it “even if just for the scenery.” This year’s event brought together several past Presidents of the IIABNY, which has a local affiliated chapter. Columnist Jamie Deapo sent along the attached photo. A special hello goes out to Tommy Dietz, center in the picture, who was a major force for all agents and brokers in New York and in the U.S. during his long career. Tom is retired now and lives in Florida. TJD was a key leader in BRACE (the greatly successful PIANY, IIANY and NYSALU effort opposing bank entry into insurance) in the effort to undo the Hartford’s AARP program, in the founding of an agentowned seat on the Insurance Exchange, in supporting the reorganization of IIAA, as a state national director, and as a PAC leader nationally. He has not appeared in these pages in a while. Good to see you, Tommy.