“…in Public Places”

So proud to see people we feel we “grew up with” in the business achieving status that-and that their careers more than merit. Last week we referred to Dr. Ellen Kiehl and to Mark Yavornitski – whose picture we received together with our dear friend Ben Brewster, who came up from Florida for the event (see photo below)…. Recognition is so important for those who do jobs well. This nation is so full of unsung heroes, that it should have its flags waving for their accomplishments every day in business offices, in solving claims and in so much more… Yet we have the misfortune to read this past few weeks of what I will call “Waldorf Hysteria” surrounding a brokerage out in Long Island and involving the insurance department and others in what seems like, at very least, a strange dissonance. We are searching the matter now and do plan to have an investigative report completed before long…We also see that Ezra Pound’s fear, stated in the early 1900’s that we would have “liars in public places” has come true. The behavior of Congressman Weiner both in his successive outright lies -“bold face lies” – and then his dishonorable holding to his post despite the shame he brought to that office, are the examples of the kind of things we have to read instead of the works of right-minded, clear headed everyday heroes. We have been treated to liars in public places again and again and cannot help, as insurance professionals, but reinforce among ourselves the importance of good faith, honesty and transparency. Anthony Weiner, like the others, is actually “getting off easy,” in our view. This is a public disgrace that has filtered all the way down to our children on the internet and on the airwaves… Our article on Captives has drawn much good response and there seems to be some movement in this area, thanks in great measure to Governor Christie…In this issue we report on the New YorkInsurance Association’s meeting and would like to thank Cassandra Anderson for her work in getting this material to us. She’s a genuine professional… Some weeks ago we referred to an honor that Bill Fishlinger and his family received at the Crystal Ball. Since then, we received a beautiful photograph of the family. Bill has raised money to combat diabetes for many years. Insurance Advocate is of professionals like Bill Fishlinger and all that he stands for. His family, his wife Joan, his son Mathew and his daughter Ali have set a great precedent for others to follow (see photo)…Down at the PIANY Convention in Atlantic City, we were happy to see many old friends. PIA does a great job in putting together this tri-state event in Atlantic City. While we are not great fans of Atlantic City—I don’t gamble, except, maybe, with the monies I spend on printing this magazine every 14 days—and I don’t particularly care for the long drive on the Garden State Parkway, which is virtually panorama-less, but the convention it definitely worth a go and PIA has built its convention and event agenda into one of the most formidable anywhere. We compliment Diane, Ken and their team… At the recent meeting of the Insurance Federation of New York, Inc., Derrick Cephas, former Banking Superintendent, Mike Moriarty, former Deputy Superintendent of Insurance, and Mark Peters, formerly with the head of the New York Liquidation Bureau and Attorney General’s office and now with Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, LLP were panelists. Each commented on the upcoming merger of the banking and insurance department. The principal message was: it will take a long time. Mark Peters did wake everyone up with his observation that there would be more of a prosecutorial approach in that office now that Mr. Lawsky, himself a former prosecutor is at the helm. Of course, if people are doing everything right there is little to fear in that, but it does express a radical attitude change in approach. The remark was made that today’s regulators look around and see what’s wrong and then find a regulation that fits it, so that they can hammer the wrong doers. This kind of activism is not exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind, in my opinion, and in the views of several attendees at the event, but may be a reality we will have to face in doing business in New York State. Compliments to Dave Walsh for assembling this informative panel, although Dave was unable to make it because of an oil spill on the Major Deagan that morning Former Superintendent Jim Corcoran did the honors… We are following with great interest the emerging relationship between PEOs and insurance agents. The nature of these relationships is both defensive and offensive in marketing approach. Defensive, inasmuch as relations between PEO’s and agencies they keep employers from having to flirt with other providers. Offensive inasmuch as the PEO are very aggressively seeking clients and take their “partners” with them. If I were an agent, I’d find a good PEO to hook up with. There are many. Prestige seems to have a great presence in New York and has agency partners. There are many and many are good. Hook up and sell! … Speaking of sales, Kingstone Insurance is turning in some remarkably good results, including an upgrade to B+. John Reierson is writing a success saga up in Kingston, with new loyalty growing-especially on Long Island. Bravo, John.