Five EASY Ways Your Agency Can Create Engaging Content

Creating engaging content on social media is not only easy, but it can be very enjoyable and also contribute to strengthening relationships within your insurance agency. When we say easy, we mean it. This strategy requires only creativity, your team, and a camera! Believe it or not, content that requires minimum effort and the most fun can sometimes be the most compelling!

Before we get into some great ideas to fuel your content, there is one thing you and your agency must understand. This is the understanding of transparency. This means you and your agency must step out of the comfort zone. No more hiding behind the computer screens and telephones, it’s time to show your face! Now that you understand this might take a little getting used to at first, let’s dive into some ideas you can use to create compelling content that your audience can’t wait to engage with!

Have a themed day/week: Spirit weeks and special themed dress down days will not only make your staff smile, but it will make for great social media conversation. Use special dress down days to fuel a donation to a charity of the staff’s choice. Don’t be shy — get creative with your dress down days! One day all of our staff brought in their formal wear / wedding attire – it was definitely our favorite day out of spirit week, and the community loved it as well.

Showcase your community: As an independent insurance agent, you stand for community. Take pride in what you stand for as a small business and show off what’s going on around you. Maybe it’s something you’re involved with, or maybe a new small business is opening up and you’d like to congratulate them. Whatever the case may be, always keep your eye out for ways to show off your awesome community.

Show off your staff: Your staff is the heart of your agency. They are the ones picking up the phones, and shaping relationships with your customers. This can be something as simple as taking a picture of a staff member who brought donuts in for everyone! Show your appreciation for your employees and showcase the personality behind them. Prospects will be more inclined to do business with you if they see that your staff is made up of some really great people!

Ask opinions: Maybe one of your staff members got a new dog, but she doesn’t know what to name him! Take advantage of this and ask your audience on social media to come up with their best name ideas – this should stir up some engagement! I know that it worked for us! Maybe the office is in need of some sprucing up, but you need help choosing a paint color. You know what to do!

Answer a question: Are you feeling like you’ve been hearing the same insurance question over and over again lately? Answer it once and for all with an FAQ (frequently asked questions) video. Simply introduce yourself, state the FAQ and educate your audience about the correct answer. Show them your agency cares about educating their customers. Once you’ve answered a few of these questions, you can compile them all into one blog post allowing you to get a bit more mileage out of a single idea. Which one of these five engagement sparking ideas will you use this week in your social media strategy? Remember, consistency is key — give these ideas a try and see what works best. Don’t give up if you don’t see the results you were hoping for right away – stay consistent! Happy social media marketing!