It’s What We Do Consistently That Counts
We all know the things we are supposed to do, right? Eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, account round, and ask for the business. The challenge I all too often find is that we do these things inconsistently yet expect a consistent result. My trainer says it all the time “If you were only consistent…” Well, you try not to drink at an airport bar waiting three hours for a flight! So we supplement what we know we need to do consistently with consistent excuses.
What I have learned is that with consistency comes routine, and with routine comes results. We can’t sometimes recruit and expect to find every rock star. No, we have to do it all the time! When we operate out of desperation we find it takes way more energy than preparation, so we end up running around putting out fires. In order to be a consistent person you have to have a few key concepts down:
- You have to learn excellent time management. You need to always be thinking about where your time is best served. If you are doing something you shouldn’t be, you need to ask yourself why and who can do it better than you.
- Consistency requires an excellent and dedicated plan. You can’t wing your day—you have to be deliberate. Planning your week means starting with the big rocks and then adding in the little things around them.
- Delegation is key. In order to run a successful business you have to empower people around you. This may stretch them outside of their comfort zone and they may need your mentorship, but that’s okay. You’re putting investments into a bank that you can take withdrawals from.
- You have to hold yourself accountable to your plan. There can be no excuses. If you are passionate and focused, you will align your activities around them. If you don’t really care, it will be hard to stay on track.
- Gather a group. Delegation is key but so is having a team of people collaborating and working together. The best way to start something consistently is to gather a team.
In agencies we work with, we see a consistent pattern. We often hear the staff say “Well we tried that before. We didn’t stick with it.” Or “Here’s another idea we won’t follow through on.” This sends a deadly message to your team. When your team believes they can be inconsistent, then low and behold they will. As an agency leader you need to hold yourself to a higher standard of excellence. Don’t be average, be extraordinary.
We often aren’t consistent because we don’t see results fast enough. Our society is about immediate gratification. The sooner, the better. This is why Amazon has drone delivery. We simply can’t wait. However, true change takes time. It takes commitment, testing and refining to get to the good stuff. So don’t rush the process. Be consistently awesome by doing the things you know matter most.