Governor Signs Big I NY’s License Renewal Consolidation Bill

Late last night, Governor Cuomo signed Big I NY‘s bill to simplify the license renewal process for agents and brokers. Now instead of three separate dates, all agent and broker business licenses will renew on the same date every two years.

Your Big I NY team developed this legislation and championed its passage. The Big I members who met with lawmakers, sent messages of support, and joined us in Albany for L Day 2018 were instrumental in this success. Thank you!

And there’s more good news. The governor also signed another Big I NY-supported bill to allow property/casualty and personal lines agents and brokers to take their required pre-licensing courses in a setting other than a classroom.  

We will continue to champion independent insurance agents like you in all we do.  Rest assured that Big I NY always has your back.

Contact Scott Hobson at or by phone at 518-708-3247 with questions.