May 21

SLAPP: Malpractice Coverage Impacted Increasingly by Recent Decisions
Malcolm S. McNeil Ismael Bautista, Jr. Certain lawsuits create a snarl of considerations that require an adjustor to carefully assess the ramifications of the dispute and litigation in a way that effectively weighs the future costs against the ongoing exposure to bad faith and the implications of dealing with insured and uninsured claims within the […]
Proposed Insurance Regulation No. 68-C: No Fault Insurance
The Superintendent of Financial Services has proposed Regulation No. 68-C to address no-fault insurance fraud. The proposed regulation is designed to curb abuse of the no-fault insurance system. Highlights are as follows: • Health care providers will have to comply with a 120 day period to provide requested information or the claim can be denied. […]
A Lawyer Walks into a Market of Last Resort …
I have a client who happens to be an attorney. I’ll call him Joe for purposes of the story I’m about to share. Joe recently called me for advice about a client of his who was having a problem with the New York State Insurance Fund. I understand the client was audited and the NYSIF […]
By Way of Introduction…
Welcome to our first Insight column! When Steve Acunto asked me to write a regular column for Insurance Advocate, my first reaction was negative. At this stage in my career, why undertake an assignment with deadlines and the constant pressure to come up with something interesting and informative for the readership? Then I went back […]
In this issue of the Insurance Advocate Peter Bickford’s column premieres on page 12. Peter is a longtime, rather astute observer of the business, whose work we have featured with great pride over the years. We believe that, in keeping with the Insurance Advocate’s mission to observe regulation and legislation that affect the progress of […]
How About A Little Phone Text?
If u cn rd this den u prbly no where im goin wid this article. Texting. It’s everywhere. Everyone is doing it. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt, and I promise you won’t get pregnant the first time you try it. Very quickly it is replacing all means of electronic communication, and I would venture to […]
DFS Fines Insurers $2.7 Million
DFS Investigation Uncovers Widespread Violations, Consumers “Left In Dark” Benjamin M. Lawsky, Superintendent of Financial Services, announced that 15 insurers have been fined $2.7 million because they failed to notify small businesses that they were eligible to buy special insurance coverage for mental illnesses and children with serious emotional disturbances. Oxford was fined $1.3 million, […]
Advertising Regulatory Group Recommends Allstate Discontinue Certain Claims in ‘Mayhem’ Campaign
NAD Finds Advertiser Can Support Certain Claims, Following Progressive Challenge NEW YORK, NY– The National Advertising Division of the BBB has just recommended that Allstate discontinue certain advertising claims made in its “Mayhem” advertising campaign, and modify additional claims. NAD determined, however, that the company could support one challenged claim, as well as the tagline: […]
Fraudulent Incorporation
Concourse Chiropractic, PLLC v State Farm Mut. Ins. Co. Defendant moves for summary judgment. Plaintiff moves to compel discovery.[FN1] BACKGROUND Concourse Chiropractic, PLLC (“Concourse”) sues as assignee of Odalis Guzman (“Guzman”) seeking to recover first party no-fault benefits for chiropractic treatment it provided to Guzman. Concourse submitted bills for treatment it provided to Guzman for […]