January 13

$4M to Fight Fraud
$4M to Fight Fraud Over the past few years we have tried to assess the impact of Governor Andrew Cuomo on the insurance business and on the environment that affects the insurance business in New York State. This has not been simple. On the one hand we have what we find to be a tendency […]
Click on the Dotted Line!
Click on the Dotted Line! So tell me if this has ever happened to you in your office: you get a telephone call from a prospect, or perhaps it was an email lead that you obtained via your “Get an auto or homeowners quote” button on your agency website or Facebook fan page, and immediately […]
Herzl Regins v. Hospitals Insurance Company
By Betty Flood and Katlin Nash Herzl Regins v. Hospitals Insurance Company Albany, N.Y.—New York State Court of Appeals Chief Judge Lippman and Judges Graffeo, Read, Smith, Pigott, Rivera, and Abdus-Salaam decided the case of Herzl Ragins v. Hospitals Insurance Company in favor of the defendants. Plaintiff brought this action for breach of an insurance […]
Insurance Advocate’s Enterprise of the Year 2013
Insurance Advocate’s Enterprise of the Year 2013 MSO Sets Expansion, Member Services Goals “Fresh” is the best word to describe MSO today. Fresh can mean a lot of things, but the Insurance Advocate’s Enterprise of the Year has taken this word to a new level. MSO, Inc., formerly known as Mutual Service Office, started life […]
The Team at MSO
The Team at MSO A Complete Team Listing: Jan Scites, J.D., CLU, ChFC CEO & President Jan Kozlowski V.P., Insurance Programs & Regulatory Compliance Ian McKechnie V.P., Actuarial Services Missy Krepps Senior Product Development Analyst Jane McGraw Product Development & Statistical Reporting Analyst Sue Quimby Director, Client Relations & Training; Senior Product Development Analyst Megan […]
Jan Scites, J.D., CLU, ChFC Ms. Scites is currently CEO of MSO, Inc., the New Jersey based Property and Casualty Rating Bureau that provides policy forms, rates, commercial inspections, and state filing services. Prior to MSO, Inc., Ms. Scites held several senior management positions at AT&T, including Vice President, Broadband and Corporate Strategy, and Vice […]
Leadership: MSO Board of Trustees
LEADERSHIP MSO Board of Trustees Donald Applegate has been a Trustee of MSO since 1997 and Chairman of the Board since January 2013. He is actively involved with the Board in setting strategic direction for MSO. In 1996, Don was named President and CEO of Farmers of Flemington Insurance Company and has been a Director […]
MSO, Inc., Subscribing Companies
MSO, Inc., Subscribing Companies Allegany Co-op Insurance Co. Bedford Grange Mutual Insurance Co. Briar Creek Mutual Insurance Co. Cumberland Ins. Co. Cumberland Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Delaware Grange Mutual Insurance Co. Farmers Insurance Company of Flemington Farmers’ & Mechanics’ Mutual Ins. Assoc. of Cecil County Farmers’ Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of Marble, PA Farmers Mutual […]
Reacting to Change
Reacting to Change This started out to be a simple article on independent agents and brokers having a plan in 2014. Every time I wrote a draft it felt wrong. I knew what I was saying as I wrote was accurate and necessary but it wasn’t what I really wanted to say. My words where […]