January 12

DFS MODIFIES REG 79 Compromises Reached as Mandatory Inspection Reg Undergoes Intense Scrutiny, Revision
A set of compromises has been reached in the matter of Reg 79 requirements as the DFS adopted modifications to the long-controversial regulation governing automobile photo inspections. Of the several parties to the compromised changes, many reported satisfaction with the Department’s action, taking steps to streamline the inspection process for policyholders, agents, carriers and vendors […]
We mourned the death of former Governor Mario Cuomo as did so many across the State. He was a refreshing liberal personality in that he was always clear in what has been lately called “progressive” orthodoxy in taking positions on the issues that faced New Yorkers. In financial services, he was responsible for the De […]
Safe Again!
New York life insurance and annuity beneficiaries can breath easier! They are safe again! Two years after the statutory life guaranty fund was exhausted by the Executive Life Insurance Company of New York failure, the State’s legislature has passed and the Governor has signed into law legislation restoring the viability of the fund. The new […]
Uber, Airbnb and Insurance
What do Uber and Airbnb have to do with insurance? Sounds like the opening line to a bad joke, but it’s no laughing matter. When each started, Uber and Airbnb wanted as little to do with insurance as possible. It’s not working out that way. The insurance problems each presents are similar, but since they […]
Eric Kobrick and Elizabeth Mullins Chosen as ARIAS•U.S. Chairman and President for 2015
Eric S. Kobrick, Vice President, Deputy General Counsel & General Counsel, Claims, Reinsurance, Operations and Technology at American International Group, Inc. (AIG), was elected Chairman of ARIAS•U.S. at its 2014 Fall Conference in New York City. He succeeds Jeffrey M. Rubin, Senior Vice President, Director Global Claims at Odyssey Reinsurance Company, who has retired from […]
“Telehealth” Bill
ALBANY, NY—Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has signed a bill into law as Chapter 550 of the Laws of 2014, which will require insurers and medical assistance for needy persons to provide coverage for the provision of telehealth and telemedicine services. The bill defines telehealth as delivering health care services by means of information and communications […]
Tweaking your Agency’s Traditional Marketing Routine
As marketers in the insurance industry, we have a responsibility to make our campaigns as effective and efficient as possible. Over the past several years, we have learned that this is accomplished through inbound channels like social media, search engine optimization and content for lead generation. But as inbound has matured and merged with traditional […]
We’re Not Alone
It’s easy to feel that you’re alone when you struggle with business issues. One issue I have been struggling with lately is how independent agents and brokers can get consumers to appreciate the value they bring to buying insurance protection. To those of us who work in the system it’s a no-brainer. There is also […]
Happy New Year!
So for my first article of 2015, I want to share with you some- thing that truly doesn’t get enough press, but plays such a huge part in this thing of ours: the Excess and Surplus market. E&S makes up almost 15% of the Commercial Lines direct premiums, but being that the sector is so […]