May 15

PIANY Honors Hourihan, Jarvis, Seeks to Inspire and Build Agents’ Business at LI RAP
Hundreds of professional, independent insurance agents from the Long Island and greater New York area gathered on May 4 at the sprawling Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury for a day of networking, tradeshow, education and ceremony at the Professional Insurance Agents of New York State’s Long Island Regional Awareness Program. Tradeshow Long Island RAP […]

Heck Honored. And just what is a “Stevie”?
At a time when personnel needs in the industry are becoming acute (with an estimated 18% loss among professionals through retirement, etc.), a sure 60% percent of people working in the U.S. insurance industry are women. The New York City Association of Insurance Women (NYCAIW) reminds us that only six percent of them hold “C” […]
Six Short Takes on Six Significant Topics
We have a bumper crop of short takes on significant topics ranging from cat (catastrophe) bonds to hail this month. It’s going to be all the news that fits, we print. Cat Bond Issuance Sets First Quarter Record of $2.2 Billion Despite Fall in Interest Rates Cat bonds once again set a quarterly record in […]
Protecting Fifty Years of Child Health Progress
By Marian Wright Edelman It was a generation ago that Harry Truman said, and I quote him: “Millions of our citizens do not now have a full measure of opportunity to achieve and to enjoy good health. Millions do not now have protection or security against the economic effects of sickness. And the time has now […]
New Hampshire’s Tom Minkler Honored with Woodworth Memorial Award
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers (IIABA or the Big “I”) has awarded Tom Minkler, CIC, with the Woodworth Memorial Award, the highest honor the association bestows on one of its members, during the annual Big “I” Legislative Conference. Minkler is president of the Clark-Mortenson Agency in Keene, New Hampshire, and former […]
The Maze Of Medical Pricing – How Much Does It Cost and What Are We Paying For?
By Gerard Gianoli, M.D. – http://earandbalance.net In a previous editorial, I commended candidate Trump’s proposal of price transparency for hospitals and doctors. It is astounding that this has not been an element of the GOP formula for healthcare reform until now and that an outsider had to bring it up. It is so obviously part […]
Who Is Your Customer?
How well do you know and understand your customer? Not only your current customer but the customer you are looking to add in the future. Are they similar in their wants, needs and motivations? What are their expectations? Meeting and exceeding customer expectations is the key to growing a successful agency today and going forward. […]
Sit on Your Rights & You Will Lose Them — Statutes of Limitation Serve an Important Function
In an attempt to clean up with damages after Hurricane Katrina after sitting on its rights for many years, Marion’s Cleaners, LLC, sued its insurer seeking indemnity from its insurer for damages that resulted from Katrina. In Marion’s Cleaners, LLC v. National Fire & Indemnity Exchange, Slip Copy, 2016 WL 952247 (March 14, 2016), the United […]
Was The Cure Worse Than The Disease? Homeowner Alleges That Tear Gas Remediation Chemical Made Her Sick
Kendall v Amica Mut. Ins. Co. A tenant in plaintiffs’ home had to be subdued by police using tear gas. Plaintiffs had an adverse health reaction to the tear gas residue and their homeowners’ insurer hired a remediation company which used a chemical to remove the tear gas. Plaintiffs then alleged an adverse health reaction […]