April 10

Up in Smoke…The Cost of Legalized Marijuana to Homeowners
Sean Maher is the co-founder of Swyfft, a platform that uses multi-patented big data and analytics to uncover accurate home insurance policies. A hash lab exploded and fire spread through the apartment in midtown Ventura last month. The blaze started in the kitchen when the butane ignited in the second-story flat. A similar incident in […]
Five Regulations That Need to Change
The administration is undoing regulations at a good clip. The clip and the clipping need to move quickly while the momentum is there. Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA and an employment trends expert has communicated some valid points along these very lines: recent employment numbers have cheered Americans with 235,000 new jobs added in February […]
Coming To You From….
Do you know where I am writing this article from? I could be writing it from my office at IIABNY. Maybe I’m doing it from my home office. I like to spend time at Starbucks drinking coffee and writing, so maybe it was written there. I love visiting Vermont, so for all you know I’m […]

The Time is Now for New York to Join the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact
By Mary A. Griffin, President and CEO of the Life Insurance Council of New York Life insurers offer a wide array of products, including many designed to provide financial security to people who are planning for retirement. In today’s rapidly evolving world, life companies are continuously working to bring new products to the marketplace. To […]

Get the Lead Out
By Sue C. Quimby, CPCU, AU, CIC, CPIW, DAE – Assistant Vice President/Media Editor Lead poisoning is a serious health hazard, especially for young children. Helping clients understand the hazards of, and their possible liability for, injuries from lead poisoning is another value-added service of the professional insurance agent. The most common sources of lead […]
ObamaCare Repeal vs. Reality
The attempt by House Speaker Paul Ryan and other powerful Republicans to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “ObamaCare”) has run into a buzz saw of opposition from both sides. Most proponents of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) concede that the Act is “not perfect.” But there is “political reality” to […]

Instantly Grow Your Instagram
Instagram has become a huge element of branding in the digital marketing arena in the past years, therefore it’s critical to take advantage of advertising using sponsored content on this social media network. Sponsored content falls into three categories on Instagram: photo, video, and carousel. Photo advertisements are the traditional still images that Instagram is […]
ISO Launches Market Landscape
ISO announced the launch of ISO Market Landscape(TM), an interactive dashboard that allows insurance professionals across disciplines to visualize and benchmark their company’s results with one of the largest property/casualty insurance databases in the world. ISO is a Verisk Analytics (Nasdaq:VRSK) business. ISO Market Landscape uses data visualization to benchmark insurer performance and identify specific […]

PIANY to Present LIRAP Distinguished Insurance Service Award to Keep
GLENMONT, N.Y.—The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State Inc. will present Johanna Keep, senior vice president of personal lines for CMS, LLC with its Distinguished Insurance Service award at the 42nd Annual Long Island Regional Awareness Program, April 26, 2017. The event will be held at Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, N.Y. […]