May 8

D.C. or Not D.C.? That is the Question.
State Regulatory System Defended by PCI as House Hears Viewpoints The insurance industry again has its periodic task at hand, i.e., the defense of state regulation. The House seems to be getting the point, having just held a hearing entitled “A Legislative Proposal to Create Hope and Opportunity for Investors, Consumers, and Entrepreneurs,” which itself […]
Winners’ Circle … and Then Some
When Always Dreaming crossed the finish line first to win the Kentucky Derby convincingly, he carried more than a talented jockey with him. The horse’s owners, joined together as Brooklyn Boys with a formidable stable of race horses, are two wealthy men well known in New York: Vincent Viola, recently offered the post of Secretary of […]
Independence Requires Expertise
Technology…it’s invaded nearly every aspect of our lives today. It’s almost impossible to function without it. Did anyone ever dream the time would come where you would actually take time off to avoid using technology? There is no business more affected by technology than insurance. It’s changing the way we operate our business. It’s creating […]
Catching Fire with your Content
What exactly do we mean by “catching fire” in terms of your agency’s digital content marketing? Well, simply put, to get more visibility in the social world, your agency is going to need shares, and a lot of them. So the million-dollar question is this: how can you get more people to share more of […]
IIABNY Heads Off Draconian Penalty Increases in State Budget
Budget agreement also includes IIABNY-supported ride-sharing measures Dewitt, New York—Thanks to the efforts of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York (IIABNY), insurance producers have been spared drastically larger penalties for violating the state’s insurance law. The state budget the New York Legislature adopted over the weekend dropped the governor’s proposal for increased […]

Home Appliances — Helps or Hazards?
By Sue C. Quimby, CPCU, AU, CIC, CPIW, DAE – Assistant Vice President/Media Editor Home appliances have drastically changed how people live over the last century. They are great time savers and convenience items, as well as providing entertainment. However, these gadgets and products that are meant to make life easier are also responsible for […]
A Simple American Solution for Today’s Government-Caused Health Care Crisis
Where words are many, sin is not wanting.” Proverbs 19:10 By: Dr. W. Scott Magill, Executive Director, ViDoL, USMC/USArmy-Med.Corps The 2016 platform to repeal the worst healthcare law in American history resulted in one-party control of executive and legislative branches of the federal government in 2017. But voters soon re-learned that campaign promises are simple […]
PIACT Offers Testimony in Support of TNC Legislation, Voices Reservations about the Current Proposal
HARTFORD, Conn.—In testimony before the state Senate Insurance & Real Estate Committee on April 18, Professional Insurance Agents of Connecticut President Kenneth A. Distel offered testimony supporting legislation that would create comprehensive legislation for transportation network companies. However, Distel noted the association’s concerns with insurance gaps that would be created by H.B.7126 to establish insurance […]
Qui Tam Action Takes the Profit Out of Fraud
Judgment In Favor of Qui Tam Plaintiff Insurer Can Be Enforced In California an insurer can, on its own behalf and on behalf of itself and the state, bring a qui tam action. When the state does not join in the action the insurer may try the action alone. In People ex rel. Allstate Insurance […]